What is the curse of Mick Jagger in the World Cups?


Mick Jagger did not go unnoticed during his visit to the Luzhnikí Olympic Stadium in the semifinal between England and Croatia

C & # 39; my England ???? ??? pic.twitter.com / LeDnd4EAXa

– Mick Jagger (@MickJagger) July 11, 2018

His presence was not seen with good eyes English fans know that every time Mick attends these sports events the team loses.

And as a premonition, that's how it happened. England lost 2-1 to Croatia. Meanwhile, in social networks, the culprit was the singer to be "salted" and with "mufa", as the Argentineans say to point to bad luck:

When Mick Jagger goes to see the l? England .. pic.twitter.com/qnALbxnVZO

– crazy heart! (@LuchyttoC) 11 July 2018

Beautiful mufa disc of #MickJagger

– Palmas (@adrianpalmas) 11 July 2018

And so they left me come in if They know what's going on. # Russia2018 #MickJagger pic.twitter.com/UJe2aWXl5T

– Annihilator (@El_Aniquilador_) 11 July 2018

The match between England and Croatia is almost finished and it seems that @MickJagger put the curse on their selection ? Here is the proof ? pic.twitter.com/YooF4IHOlC

– SopitasFM (@sopitasfm) July 11 2018 [19659004] Read here: Maluma publishes a photo with boots and triggers a wave of memes on the Internet

Where does this idea come from?

It all started in 1998. Whenever Jagger released his support to a selection that competed at the World Cups, this team was beaten.

The first victim was England who had this sad record for 20 years:

First was eliminated in the round of 16 of the 1998 World Cup of France by Penalty against Argentina in a balance 4-3.

Then followed the Korea-Japan World Cup, there, they were defeated in the quarterfinals against Brazil: 2-1. Later in Germany 2006, against Portugal 3-1, in the quarterfinals. In South Africa 2010 were eliminated in the second round against Germany 4-1; and in Brazil 2014 this time they lost in the group phase and returned home.

In summary, not only England was injured, says the legend In 1965, he also supported the United States, Brazil and Argentina, all were eliminated.

In Brazil 2014, he supported Italy, Portugal and Brazil again. they all lost.

He was even in attendance in the Brazil match against Brazil. Germany and The Canarihna received the worst victory in World Cup history, with a score of 7-1

Will this theory be true about the musician's bad luck?

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