With 1, 900 million lempiras will support the country's coffee sector


With 900 million lempiras will support the coffee sector of the country that is in crisis as a result of the drop in the price of aromatics internationally, said MP Samuel Reyes.

He explained that with the fund, will support with 200 lempiras to the national producer for each quintal of coffee exported on the basis of the registration of the Honduran Coffee Institute (Ihcafé) for each producer.

The recipient will take care to maintain the farms, mainly in the fertilization issue to ensure

With regard to the payment of the financial commitment, he explained that it would be paid using the same trust since the producer provides nine dollars for each quintal of exported gold coffee and two dollars out of the nine would be used to pay the debt.

Those who have not joined the trust program will be reimbursed the nine dollars. And the total cancellation of the debt would be of a duration of five years.

The main problem faced by Honduran coffee producers is the decrease in the international marketing price.

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