Manufacturing industry rose 2.9% in May


Economía Editorial

In the fifth month of this year, the behavior of the manufacture of metal products with a growth of 14.8%, the processing and preservation of meat, fish, shellfish and molluscs with 10, 0% and the development of drinks with 2.7%.

In May of this year, manufacturing output showed an expansion of 2.9% due to the growth of 30 of the 39 industrial activities, reported on DANE

In the fifth month of this year, the performance of metal products manufacturing with a growth of 14.8%, processing and preservation of meat, fish, crustaceans and molluscs with 10.0% was underlined. beverage processing with 2.7%.

Explains the press report that the growth of processing industries and the conservation of meat, fish, crustaceans and molluscs, as reported by the sources, owes to an increase in This is due to higher external sales, higher availability of raw materials, higher domestic sales due to the nationwide opening of points and an increase in demand. in vast areas. alcoholic beverages due to higher sales expectations related to the football world cup.

The decline in the manufacture of non-metallic mineral products is explained by the reduction in production due to the decline in demand in the construction sector. This sector is going through a period of weak demand.

Document DANE indicates that the number of employees employed decreased by 1.5% in May. Over the past year, manufacturing output was 2.7%, while it was down 0.9% a year ago.

Actual sales of the manufacturing industry showed a 3.8% change and employee staff of -1.8% between January and May 2018, record the press release.

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