Performing Arts Market of the South Atlantic 2018 in Tenerife, Spain – Arts and Theater – Culture


On a stage, a dance piece reflects the daily struggles in Zimbabwe. In another, a theater group mocked pharmaceutical addictions, and in a neighboring auditorium, a Colombian music group, Puerto Candelaria, landed its "rebel cumbia".

All this eclectic cultural mix is ​​lived up to Sunday, July 15, on the island of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain), which since last year is the headquarters of the Performing Arts Market from the South Atlantic (Maps), which seeks a meeting point for music, theater, dance, circus and street arts in Latin America, Southern Europe and Africa.

The event, established as a novelty in the field of music markets, has a decisive Colombian participation, since its director is Octavio Arbeláez, who is also the artistic leader of the Manizales Theater Festival.

"Maps was born from the need for a market space and a range of effective tools for the growth, consolidation and internationalization of performative arts within the framework of # 39; South Atlantic, positioning the Canary Islands in character of the tricontinental axis, "says Arbeláez with José Luis Rivero, insular director of Culture of the Cabildo of Tenerife, and Beatriz Quintero, responsible for the event.

As in his first edition, Mapas brings together artists having pbaded a stage of selection from a conservation committee composed of international experts . The selected groups will present their proposals to the general public and to a series of international programmers

The Colombian team

This year, in addition to Puerto Candelaria, the Teatro Petra group, with the monologue Yo soy no loca, written by Fabio Rubiano and starring Marcela Valencia, and the musical collective Curupira. In addition, there will be other artists and representatives, who will be part of the roundtables, another activity of the event.

"The goal is to disseminate and disseminate the artistic offer in a rational, strategic and intelligent manner, to ensure the effectiveness of communication in contacts and the circulation and promotion of products cultural heritage of the highest quality ", explain the organizers.

In addition to Colombian groups, Kukai Dantza, a Basque contemporary dance company, is one of the guest artists; the Argentine show La fiesta del viejo, inspired by King Lear of Shakespeare; the Equatorial Guinean singer Nelida Karr and the theatrical group Le Tarmac from Burkina Faso, in which Hbadane Kbadi Kouyaté, one of the legendary actors of the legendary director Peter Brook, plays.

The objective of the market is to broadcast artistic products meeting internationalization criteria and finding a real opportunity for circulation in the cultural networks and circuits of Latin America , from Asia, the United States and Europe. For this occasion, there will also be programmers from Oceania and Africa.

Maps has networks with festivals and organizations such as Adimi (Association for the Development of the Ibero-American Music Industry), Latin America; Redelae (Latin-American Network of Performing Arts) in Latin America and Ispa (International Society of Performing Arts) in North America.

"The success of the processes of exchange of artistic experiences and the strengthening of the relations between the members of these communities come from a complete and diverse network of institutions and persons engaged in cultural activities, which found in fairs, markets and festivals, viable and effective instruments for mutual exchange, learning and knowledge ", add the organizers.

The program, which will have about 17 artistic events a day, will take place in 12 stages of Tenerife, one of the islands that make up the archipelago of the Canary Islands, Spain.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife – Spain

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