Investigating McDonald's salads for massive intoxication – 07/12/2018


Neither burgers nor fried foods. McDonald's salads have caused more of a problem in the United States. In recent weeks, the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Iowa Department of Health have recorded more than 100 cases of poisoning caused by bacteria in their plants.

According to Reuters, in Illinois, there were 90 registered cases, while in Iowa there were 15 people intoxicated . And the researchers believe that the big cause was the salads, since a quarter of the victims said that they had eaten this in the days before the illness.

The largest chain of restaurants in the world, whose shares fell by 1.4% after the publication of these episodes, said in a statement that she was in contact with the Public health authorities in both

In addition, the company badured that it had stopped selling salads in the [3 000 000] approximately 3,000 American restaurants affected until that year. It may change the lettuce package supplier.

"We are closely monitoring this situation and cooperating with federal and state public health authorities as they investigate further," said McDonald's. from the use of plastic straws all over the world "src =" "data-big =" /2018/07/07/B12J-X-QX_290x290__1.jpg "data-small =" "observe =" "data- watch-function = "loadLazyImg" />

The parasite, cyclospora cayetanensis, infects the small intestine, usually causes watery diarrhea and deposits C & # 39; is common. It is transmitted by eating food or water contaminated with excrement and not directly from one person to another.

Several outbreaks have appeared in North America in recent years, particularly during the summer months, which have been linked to imported fresh products such as raspberries, basil and lettuce.

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