Remedial Day: Third National Vaccination Day 2018 | strongly


Under the motto "Day of catching up", Coomeva EPS joins the National Immunization Day to be held July 14 in Colombia. For its part, the Entity will provide immunization service in public and private immunizations IPS in Colombia from 8:00 am. at 16:00

The target population for this day of free and mbadive vaccination is: children, in order to respect the eight vaccination periods required between 0 and 5 years, as follows:, 2, 4, 6 and 7 months, 1 year, a year and a half and 5 years. In adults, yellow fever is applied depending on the region where you live or are going to be visited, women between 10 and 49 years old apply tetanus and diphtheria, the adult population over 60 years applies the vaccine against influenza, Pregnant women of week 14 flu and after week 26 apply tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis, and girls and adolescents between 9 and 17 years old apply the human papillomavirus.

For this edition, the country's goal is to vaccinate about 68,122 children under one year old; 68,746 boys and girls aged 1 year; and 787,368 children aged 5 years. Among the main goals of the day are to strengthen vaccination of the newborn during the first twelve hours of birth; intensify vaccination in populations under 6 years of age; 9 year old girls; Strengthen the plan for the elimination of neonatal tetanus, by administering doses of regimens to all pregnant women and to the MEF who have not started or completed their regimen with 5 doses of Td. strengthen control of yellow fever in risk areas; search for sensitive subjects in the population aged 2 to 10, guaranteeing their two doses of triple virus and vaccinating with influenza to children and pregnant women.

Because of the above, Coomeva EPS invites all families and communities to be up to date with vaccines by completing the entire system to gain immunity against diseases because this protection is generated in family, helping to reduce morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases.

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