Health Tips Workday: How to survive long hours of work? | Health


Daily Hundreds of People Have Discomfort in the Back, Severe Headache, Dry Eye, Tendonitis of the Palm or Wrist, Vision Problems, Contractures , obesity and neck pain. 19659002] The above as a result of bad habits during working hours.

The computer or computer syndrome is perhaps one of the most serious causes for health and postures. . It generates pain in the muscles with long-term problems such as vision loss.

However, to combat all these consequences it is necessary to take into account some advice:

Stretches the legs in different directions: Having been sitting for a long time, the hips are compressed and generate l & # 39; discomfort. That's why this exercise is very important.

It is recommended: Stand up, hands on the waist, legs together and begin move the right leg from one side to the other as a pendulum

Sumo Squats: Standing, legs apart at a level higher than the shoulders, fingers pointing outward

The knee should be placed on top of the knee. heels, then you have to squat until the thighs are parallel to the ground . In other words, imitate the shape of a chair.

This exercise is very important since involves several muscles such as the bad, the lower back, the quadriceps, among others.

Paloma Posture: Hips are a complex group of muscles, tendons and ligaments. sitting for a long time in front of a computer one avoids that the hips have movement . "The pose of pigeons allows to harden and stretch the muscles found in our back and our cervical region. To do this, you have to kneel, place a bent leg towards the 39, before and stretch the other to the back and finally place the groin on the floor.

Remember that if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer or a static charge, the best thing is that at least twice a week activities that allow you to release the stress and pace of the week.

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