Reforming Escrow Protection Deductions to Alert Exporters


The reform proposed by the nationalist deputy, Samuel Reyes, to create a fund of 1,900 million lempiras, would protect the retentions that are made per quintal of coffee sold, to the detriment of producers, argues the grain export sector . The Honduran Coffee Institute (Ihcafé) retains about $ 13.25 per hundredweight, which, at the current exchange rate, is greater than 320 lempiras, whether the producer has any commitments with the bank or not

. Ihcafé, Asterio Reyes, said that "the exporters intend to keep the income that goes into this institution.They want to take everything from the cafe and manipulate it.They want the producer to be bound to them. but the coffee producers are not sheep. "

In this regard, the Executive Director of the Association of Honduran Coffee Exporters (Adecafeh), Miguel Pond, responded that they are only not surprised the false declarations of the president of Ihcafé. "

" This is another smoke screen to hide the real problems of the domestic coffee industry and the financial mess they have in the institute, something we have always criticized . "

In this context, he argued that" the real problems are the lack of access to funding. Which is precisely one of the issues we deal with at the coffee table. "

He recalled that since March of this year, the coffee-related sectors affected by lower prices worldwide, are seeking regimes that" In the context of sectoral dialogues, we were convened by the president of the Republic to seek solutions to the crisis that the coffee producers are going through, "he recalled.

points is to remove this malfunction trust, it is necessary that the producers understand it, that it does not matter. is not a trust, it is not even a bonus, it is a plan to hold money from the producer. "

According to the exporters' representative, the cafe can these resources indiscriminately and returns them six months later without these funds generating interest for the small producers who are daily forcing them on the ground. (JB)

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