Mexico advances with the power of the sun [Negocios] – 07/14/2018


Viesca, Coahuila .- With its immense dunes and cactus, the silent desert of Coahuila seems to be the same as any other except that it is home to the largest solar energy park in America Latin.

chosen by the Italian company Enel to install 2.3 million solar panels that are expected to generate enough energy for 1.3 million homes in Mexico from the second half of the year.

In this silent zone, blue solar panels – which include an area equivalent to 2,200 soccer fields – they move slowly following the sun as if they were sunflowers. In the distance, they look like an ocean in the middle of the desert

But they are a sample of the objective that owns Mexico, so that 35% of the electricity is produced by clean energies such as solar or wind energy by 2024.

This goal is possible thanks to the energy reform of 2013, which ended 76 years of state monopoly in the sector. It also opened the production and supply of electricity to private initiative and ended the monopoly of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

This part of the reform sometimes goes unnoticed by Mexicans, even though it provokes enthusiasm The companies

"We are very satisfied with the environment and the opportunities in Mexico", says Antonio Cammisecra, director of Enel's global renewable energy division.

"After the reform, we see better conditions Although the elected president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has criticized the energy opening of the campaign, badysts doubt that it interrupts the arrival of


The goal of generating clean energy is also achievable because the costs of solar technology have dropped significantly.

the International Agency for Renewable Energy, an intergovernmental organization promotes clean energy, the cost of manufacturing solar panels has dropped dramatically over the past decade "making them not only affordable, but also the cheapest way to produce electricity. "

It has had more growth around the world.This boosts technology innovators," says Arturo Garc ía, an expert of Deloitte consulting firm

The solar energy industry in Mexico also took note

"Before the reform becomes an environmental problem", Víctor Ramírez, Executive Director of the National Association of Solar Energy, an organization that brings together several companies from the sector in Mexico.

"Today, it's not just an environmental issue, but an economic issue." It's getting cheaper to have energy from sources solar, investment will go out there. "

Therefore, the interest of a company like Enel: in addition to the solar park in the desert in which he invested 650 million dollars, has another in the state of Guanajuato. It also builds a wind farm in Coahuila and another in Tamaulipas.

In May, the company is committed to investing $ 97 million more to expand its facilities.

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