National Holiday Gratification: 9 Ways to Optimize That Extra Money | news


As every year this fortnight of July thousands of Peruvians who work in a company or in the public sector will receive the expected bonus of Fiestas Patrias, the first of the two correspondent in the year, whose value is equivalent to an additional monthly salary.

It is for this reason that Peruvian online loan portal, offers 9 ways to optimize this extra money.

1. Paying debts. As a first option, consideration should be given to the payment of debts or the disposition of cash that has been made with the credit card, which is the most expensive and the most difficult to pay. The amortization of most of them will allow better financial management for the rest of the year.

2. Organize a plan of action. Once you have this money, it is recommended to make a purchase action plan for this month. In this way, you can follow the needs and tastes that will be given with this extra money and avoid falling into compulsive shopping.

3. Save money. It is recommended to place in a savings account or save some of the money in a savings fund, in order to have it in case 39, urgency to occur later.

4. Opting for offers. As a national month, many consumer goods companies are launching a series of offers that allow the customer to save money on certain purchases that he had planned for. 39; perform.

5. Increase working capital. If you have your own business as a second monthly income, you can choose to allocate that money as working capital and generate greater profitability during the month. If the money is not enough, it can be completed with an online loan like on in order to have more money in just 1 hour.

6. Investing in studies. Investing in better professional or professional preparation will always be a good decision. Studying a course or saving to graduate in the next few months will allow higher earnings in the future.

7. Additional purchases. If you intend to make a repair or purchase that comes from the monthly budget, it's a good opportunity to do it without incurring debts or spending.

8. Renewal of clothing and shoes. The purchase or renewal of shoes and clothes twice a year: in the months of July and December, it will be a good way to organize and spend less. Department stores and general stores tend to have 2×1 offers and purchases to gain more customers.

9. Have less money. Having a lot of money in cash generates more compulsive spending for purchases that may be useless. The memory tends to be fragile and having less money in the wallet will save more and even avoid being a victim of a loss or a loss. aggression.

About Latin Fintech is the Latin Fintech online loan portal with which they were selected in this well-known initiative. However, to date, this is not the only recognition that he has obtained.

Latin Fintech founded in late 2015 with the intention of developing financial loans that suit the Peruvian public. Thanks to its product has disbursed more than 15,000 loans since the beginning of its operations and seeks to continue to help those who wish to have a loan quickly and easily.

In 2017, Latin Fintech was selected by Google as the only start-up, the Peruvian representative of the financial category, as part of its "Campus Latam Exchange Founders" business acceleration program, aimed at businesses Latin America. Similarly, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has chosen Latin Fintech as one of the most inclusive fintech companies in emerging markets.

Follow the steps to get credit in 5 minutes through, can be illustrated with the following video:

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?? How to take advantage of the bonus to develop your business?

– Agencia Andina (@Agencia_Andina) July 14, 2018


Published: 14 / 07/2018

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