Circo Atayde and his 130 years of smiles


Nostalgia is the feeling that has always permeated for years, and which is well known by the company Circo Atayde Hermanos, who has left thousands of anecdotes for years to children who are now parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, and despite the time that he continues to renew to continue to encourage smiles and emotions to new generations.

In this sense, Alfredo Atayde Chávez, commercial director of the company and who belongs to the fourth generation of the family, remembers how it is that he built the legacy of this iconic project for the Entertainment industry in Mexico.

"The Circo Atayde Hermanos gave its first performance on August 26, 1888. We are already on our way to the 131st anniversary, after this year, my great-grandfather Aurelio Atayde Guizar started the adventure. family lived in Zacatecas, my great-grandfather ran away because he was pbadionate about the circus, my great-great-grandfather gave him back, but already big, he did not repent (of his taste) and even the brothers joined him August 1888 in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, is founded Circo Atayde Hermanos. "

Alfredo points out that since then there has been no day when this circus has stopped working. "We have been recognized by the Presidents of the Republic as the oldest entertainment company in Mexico and without fear of being wrong throughout Latin America.The company in its development has experienced important moments and Important in the history of the country.

"There was a major breakthrough when the Mexican Revolution took place, the circus had to go to Central and South America because my father told me at the same time his grandfather told him – the revolutionaries came to steal them, as did the women, I imagine that it was a very catastrophic Mexico, in fact the third generation except my father , all born in Central and South America, I have uncles from Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Costa Rica. "Cirque Ataye Hermanos returns to the country in 1945, settles in Mexico City at Fray Servando, Lost Child Alley," it was a very big land and it was a boom, people thought that Was a foreign circus, but no, it's Alfredo points out that his father was born in 1947 and since then they started to do very long seasons at the Mexico City Arena for two months by year, they were the winter galas that were from December to February ", the circus was over 50 years without interruption.In 1954, the land was acquired at Calzada de Tlalpan, Carpa Astros, which in fact this week the curtain has fallen forever because we are going to devote ourselves to looking for another type of business, we will not dedicate it to public shows, it will be another very different business. "

In addition, it admits that, like any business, it has had its ups and downs. "I imagine that my ancestors saw it well because before the circus was very heavy, there were no cars and trains that are now.There are memories of my grandmother -Father Andrés Atayde Arteche who said that they were traveling with pregnant women and children on mules in the jungle in the Amazon, when there was no money to go out in the streets and ask of money. "

The Cirque Atayde Hermanos is built from four generations, the founder, Aurelio Atayde Guizar, then the Atyde brothers: Aurelio, Manuel, Francisco, Patricia and Andrés, the latter is the great -father of Alfredo. The third generation is Andres, Alberto and Alfredo Atayde Guzmán, father (RIP) of Alfredo, "it's my turn now to take him down with my uncles and here we are."

Ice show [19659003] During the remainder of July this year, Cirque Atayde Hermanos presents an ice show at the Sidral Aga Forum of PALCCO. Performers from Mexico, Russia and South America perform several numbers involving balancing, comedy, acrobatics and contortion merged with an ice rink.

"The evolution of Cirque Atayde already exceeds traditional circus as we do that is very theatrical.There is also inclusion to this type of shows that are on ice, but with the quality of 39 Atayde Hermanos, it is renewing or dying, reinventing itself, the public becomes more critical and demanding, what we appreciate.So we can not be content with what is already on the market, we need them give an advantage day after day, and other surprises come from the traditional Atayde Circus as we know soon in Guadalajara, but this time Atayde on ice, "says Alfredo

Circo Atayde Hermanos since 2009 works as a producer by doing different shows to delight the audience. For this ice show there are 70 people working between technicians and artists who work from Monday to Monday

Coping with piracy

There are 130 years of circus pleasures, but 40 years of dealing with opportunistic groups who take the name of the company to do their own shows, even when Circo Atayde Hermanos is a registered trademark. "There is a lot of pirate circus" Atayde ", that's what shrinks, so it was the idea to come to this forum (Sidral Aga) to see that we are looking for new scenarios "says Alfredo speaking of the short season" We also depend a lot on public reaction, because many people will not want to come because they've already been disappointed, there are some month, a circus "Daniel Atayde" or "Aurelio Atayde" or "Francisco Atyde", these are not originals, it's more, they commit a crime, in fact we have lawsuits against all these "cirquitos" because they're taking advantage of our brand, that's why I'm here to face it, we're three partners in the company so they know we're the real ones. "[19659003] Alfredo points out that the official Facebook page where they announce their presentations is for the public do not go cheat e where they will also warn of other projects, for example to make theater soon. "But check it out, because on Facebook you have 20 thousand Atayde circuses, we have struggled with that for over 40 years, but the quality of Atayde Circus is only a company."



Dates: 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 31 July in Foro Sidral Aga de PALCCO (Center Av. Guillermo González Camarena # 375). Hours: 18h00 and 20h30 and Sunday 15h00, 17h00 and 20h00 Costs: Boxes of 562.5 pesos, 337.5 pesos of green color and 225 pesos of blue color.

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