Armenia, seat of the second version of the 2018 Excellence Cup The Chronicle of Quindío


The international event, to be held for three months in the region, began with the selection of tasters.

  Armenia, seat of the second version of the 2018 Excellence Cup

In the second version of the meeting, the National School of Coffee Quality of the Seine is home [19659004] The second version of the competition ] Cup of Excellence 2018 will be held this year in Armenia, having as its headquarters the National School of Coffee Quality of the Regional Seine Quindío, which comes to join the Colombian Association for Coffee Excellence, Asecc, organizer of the meeting.

The contest

According to Mauricio Shattah, secretary of Asecc's board of directors, it is the most prestigious coffee quality competition in the world, which is carried out according to the method rigorous designed by the American organization without Alliance for Coffee Excellence, ACE

The event highlights and rewards the efforts of Colombian coffee farmers, giving them the opportunity to present their best coffees to the most demanding buyers in the world. The products reach very high selling prices thanks to an online auction where the specialized buyers compete to keep the best harvests of the country.

"The contest is a nonprofit franchise created in the US Everything is blind, coded with numbers There is a pre-selection to which lots of prizes come in, those above 86 points are chosen "Shattah said, indicating that we expect to receive about 200 samples in the selection process.

Cup of Excellence

Gabriela Salcedo, executive director of Asecc, affirmed the importance of the event, pointing out that it is replicated in 14 countries Coffee growers in the world, explained that cupping will be done blindly to ensure transparency and that it is the second edition, the first was in Tolima

With the school this year as a & # 39; 39, host, the educational institution seeks to continue the event in the region, as reported by Carlos Fabio Álvarez Ángel, director of the Seine in Quindío. The National School of Coffee Quality worked to improve these processes and, by participating in the contest, demonstrates its commitment to the development of coffee production and the improvement of grain quality and thus achieves its goal of internationalization. The goal is that this contest remains in the department. "


The contest includes 3 tasting stages involving 15 national and 25 international experts from 4 continents, who will be evaluating a lot of coffee from all over Colombia, said Ronny Ariel Gámez , coordinator of the selection of tasters from Honduras. Before the competition, the selection of judges that began this Saturday is made.

Coffee farmers interested in attending the meeting must deliver their coffee parcels parchment dried at one of the asecc authorized points.Than august 22, there is a deadline for registration.More information on, 3186238650 or by post [email protected]

Lily Dayana Restrepo

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