"Luis Miguel": the brain behind the hit series Netflix Trade | We are | stories


There is another topic of conversation in Latin America outside of the football world cup. And unless you have lived under a rock in recent weeks, you will know what it is. Luis Miguel, the series is the media phenomenon that for seven weeks has attracted the attention of fans, followers, indifferent and even enemies of the superstar of music. Live, on social networks and everywhere. Because, oh, often, he has the same approval of the Mexican singer, who is not only an executive producer, but even has told pbadages of his life specifically for this purpose. Come on, there's even a legendary cameo in one of the chapters, it's worth saying, integrated into posterity because the internet was a global trend. There are few reasons that explain, then, the overwhelming success of this television product (it is perhaps the biography of the last great living clbadic of music, the cast chosen correctly, the rhythm and the l '. approach to fiction, the dissemination of the product in the era of Twitter and even …), there is however a key: the detailed account of a personal and professional life on which we speculated, unanswered, for decades. The tragic relationship with the father, the disappearance of the mother, exploitation since the age of 10, the love of youth – broken heart, included. This and more in 13 chapters that have millions of suspense it was not long ago, it was not a Latin American fiction. Especially, as well as the shocking chapter 7 released last night, Somos conversed exclusively with the Mexican Daniel Krauze co-screenwriter of the series.

What's going on on your WhatsApp an hour after it's released? An episode of the series every Sunday? Do you call your friends with questions?

[Se ríe] My sundays of the night were very calm before the series, certainly. Now, I hope that they manage to see nothing else than what happens to the Internet. Hitting Twitter and putting the hashtag of the series or one of the characters is like a lottery. We never know which character or moment the viewer will like the most. Seeing this response immediately on social networks has made my weekend and my Monday a new fun routine. What a shame it ends at one point. I would be happy to spend a whole year [Ríe]

Honestly, did you like Luis Miguel? Have you listened to his music?

I liked it a lot. I left him to follow the track as in the late '90s when he started to release the fourth boleros disc. Because I thought that he had stagnated slightly in a style. But, well, I was born in 1982 and in my childhood and early adolescence Luis Miguel was what we all listened to a lot. To give you an example, I went to the National Auditorium, where he gives concerts in Mexico, four times. The first time that he released the album "Second Romance" and then I went every year consecutively and religiously. I am a music fan. I even know the most pitiful songs from the album "Busca una mujer" …

What's your favorite?

"Cold as the wind". Although "guilty or not" became so popular after the release of Chapter 4 of the series that already … But yes, I was a big fan of Luis Miguel and part of that that I tried to bring to the project.

Luis Miguel, his music and everything that has to do with him have the public acceptance of all the layers in Latin America. He listens who has money and who does not have any. Is the same thing happening in Mexico or maybe what's going on with Chespirito who seems to be more loved outside of his country?

Regarding Chespirito, it will depend on who you are talking to. We Mexicans sometimes like to talk in a pejorative way about our pop culture, but I think if you ask the majority of the people in Mexico, I would say that you remember Chespirito with tenderness. Now, according to Luis Miguel it seems to me that this series shows that he and what he represented in the 80s and 90s had a great impact on all Mexican social strata. And he always has it, you see how man continues to fill the stages right now. He is not a palenque singer (spaces where popular events take place) like Juan Gabriel, for example. Besides, of course, look at the guy. It's a "cuate" that comes dressed in a very elegant costume, who sings in Las Vegas … His music goes through demographics. He likes the rich, the poor and the middle one

How are you part of the project?

Carla González Vargas, the showrunner of the series, the mastermind behind All, read a novel that I wrote, "Fallas de Origen", which I presented there a few years in Lima. This has a universe more or less similar to that in which Luis Miguel and his friends move throughout the series. She knew that I wanted to write for television and she invited me to be part of the team. We were six writers who worked together for four months. Then, when production started, there were only two left. In the end I was the only one who was in all stages. I co-wrote nine of the 13 chapters

From your point of view as a writer, why is Luis Miguel's life a great story to tell?

Uffff … I would say that there is a central element without going too far, which is also the "Star Wars", perhaps the most successful pop product: the battle between a son and a Father. The battle of a son to find his identity thanks, despite and against the paternal figure. We do not invent the black thread. It's a story that has its roots since man started against stories …

With great advantage, it's a real life story …

This is true. Exactly. Without a doubt. When we started to investigate the life of Luis Miguel and read his interviews, we did not find a single year, a single month that did not have an element that we could not dramatize. It's a life full of conflicts, dramas … we did not know which to choose to put on the screen. It was too much.

It has been said that the singer sat with a small group of people to tell them pbadages of his life. Were you a member?

No, none of the writers were with him. And it's okay, no one in the team was expecting Luis Miguel to invite us to his house, to drink wine with us and to tell us … He is always a very hermetic man , very jealous of his intimacy and that sounds very good. He met people from the top of the production to talk about his life. And then the information has arrived. In addition, the series is based on a book, in a biography written by Spanish journalist Javier León Herrera. Now, when we had our questions, we sent them to Luis Miguel to get answers in the same way.

Have you ever met him?

I could do it, it's a very sad story. They invited me to meet him in the recordings of the first chapter, when his cameo appeared in the Baby & O nightclub in Acapulco. But I have a very young girl who was then less than a year old. He got sick and we had no one to take care of us and I could not go.

Does knowing him have influenced your work?

It's a good question. When that happened, I kept tweaking things, so a small part of me said, "It 's nice that I did not meet him because he' s not good at it. he may have contaminated his creation as a character in a television series. But a very small part, the other party regrets not having met him.

Have you had a feedback from what he thought of the series?

No, none. My work culminated and now I have dedicated myself to appreciate the success of the series.

Almost as a spectator more …

Yes, because I only went to the set a few days, so a lot of what I see is new. As a screenwriter I wait every Sunday that he comes here to the United States on Telemundo (in Latin America and Spain he is looking for Netflix )

The One Million Question dollars: what is fiction and reality? Is it correct to say that the trunks of the story are real and that certain situations are necessary to the fiction so that everything is understood on television?

Yes. The most authentic answer I can give you is that every time we had a doubt in the writers room, the idea was not to invent something automatically. We went to interviews, to books. The idea has always been to leave as much as possible of reality. I like that people are running on Youtube to compare the data but, well, it's not a documentary. They watch Diego Boneta interpret Luis Miguel and have elements, as in The Crown (series based on the life of Queen Elizabeth II of England, also published by Netflix ), for example, which are fiction.

There are inevitably people who believe that everything that is seen in the series is actually produced. It's something that did not bother you then …

I do not think my job worries me about it. I've been hired to create a series that captures the audience and this kind of impact has nothing to do with my work.

The series coincides with the revival of the singer, with the album "Mexico por siempre" and the tour. Was it deliberately designed in the package to put it back in the pillory?

Here, I must be categorical. At no time did I receive a "memo" from production saying, "Hey, we have to make sure that Luis Miguel appears because it's part of this claim process and the series" . My work with the executive producers of the series has always been to see how to make each chapter more interesting. The goal was never to create a kind of package that would help Luis Miguel to revive. The goal was simply how to make a good TV series.

On the other hand, with the series occurs a phenomenon that has not been seen for a long time. The audience runs from where he is on TV or on the phone to see him at the exact moment he is on the streaming platform, although he is able to do it at any other time. What does this mean for you?

I believe this experience will be irreplaceable in my life. And I tell you, being in the middle of the experience. I've felt I've traveled to the future, I've seen what's left of my career and I've already realized that it will never happen again. " . Obviously, I can not hang more than one credit line. It is a sum of forces as in any movie television product. But I'm happy. I've always badumed that the series would have some repercussion among its fans, but from there to think that it would dominate trends and social networks … I was not expecting anything of that size …

Neither the same, the piñatas, the shirts …

Nothing. Like all television phenomena of recent years, the series has a life on the screen and another on the outside. You have the intimate experience of watching the series and then the sharing experience in community memes, piñata news … I'm amazed.

Chapter 7 last night left Latin America in shock.

It Was A Bomb Chapter 7 was not written by me, but I think this and the number 13 are the most important in the series. Last night was crucial as it marks a change in the entire series. There is a Luis Miguel before and after that moment. There is a Luisito Rey before and after that moment. Some places change, new characters enter the story. From now on, the series will switch and turn into situations that I find very interesting

Will we see the singer more or less as we have it in our heads today during this second half? the joke is to bring the character closer to what we know more or less in his mind these days. More or less because the series will not end with Luis Miguel 48 years old … The entire first season traces the transformation of an innocent boy to … something else. And as this man who controls Luisito Rey is transformed into …. something else. The two characters, father and son, change a lot throughout the 13 chapters and the turning point of this change is just the chapter we saw yesterday. The last ten minutes of the chapter of yesterday, for me, have been wonderful.

Is it true that a second season has already been confirmed?

I do not know, I am on the sidelines of these decisions. I hope I would definitely like to participate .//

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