If you received more than $ 44.6 million in 2017, you must file a tax return


Redacción Economía

Every Colombian who has received a monthly average of over $ 3.7 million over the last year is required to declare the rent, according to the DIAN.

If you received about $ 3.7 million in monthly average in 2017 and in the last 12 months of last year, your income or purchases with credit cards exceeded $ 44,603,000, you must file the income account this year.

In addition, keep in mind that from August 9 to 9 and until October 19, 2018, the due dates for the filing of the declaration of Income Tax and complementarity of physical persons taxation year 2017, according to the last two digits of the taxpayer's NIT .

The Director of Income Management Adriana del Pilar Solano reported that this year is to present the statement of income for Colombians 2017 who, as of December 31 2017, had gross equity of more than $ 143,366,000 or gross revenues of more than $ 44,603,000 or those that: n made purchases for the same amount using credit cards.

If you made bank transactions in different accounts for an accumulated value greater than $ 44,603,000, the latter changed for that year in accordance with the 2016 tax reform. With this new ceiling, it is very likely a new group of Colombians will be forced to submit their tax return, which does not mean that everyone has to pay the Colombian tax office, explained Adriana del Pilar Solano [19659004] "According to the rent debug , the deductions made, the advances that were made the previous year, all in each particular case will determine that the person declares and has a tax to bill, or declares and must absolutely pay nothing or declare and have, even a more favorable scenario as a balance in favor, "explained the Director of Revenue Management DIAN

For this year, the DIAN estimates that about 2.6 million physical persons are required to submit the declaration of the Income Tax and Complementarity for the 2017 taxation year. What should be collected for this tax is about $ 2 billion.

Last year, they filed a tax return of about 2.3 million that they paid about $ 1.9 million

In this link, consult the exact date corresponding to your NIT in the available tax calendar

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