"Privatization of Ecopetrol, National Shame": Marín


The National Prosecutor of the Union of Workers, USO, José Marín Moreno Villareal, argued that it will not be inferior to the story and, if necessary, will call all social organizations to accompany this process difficult to stop the privatization of Ecopetrol

Diario Diario del Huila

The National Prosecutor of the Union of Trade Unions, the USO, José Marín Moreno Villareal, totally rejected the proposal of the Council National Syndicate, to privatize Ecopetrol, a profitable business, only in the last ten years (10) years has generated profits, the payment of royalties and tax to the state, which exceed 200 billion pesos "This proposal is detrimental to the country, and the 49 million Colombians, as it tries against the national energy sovereignty," argued the union leader.

"Today capitalism represented in this economic union, it is not enough with the law 1118 of 2006, where the legislature and Today, I authorize you to buy 20% Ecopetrol shares and ahead for the rest Ecopetrol today according to the union council is worth between 150 and 160 billion pesos, it's a very profitable business, it generated profits in 2015 when there was the serious crisis of oil prices and it reached a low of 32 dollars per barrel and despite that, gave in this year profits of 1.6 trillion pesos, free of operational expenses and taxes; [19659004] He said that the USO will not be inferior to history and, if necessary, will convene social organizations, academics, students, politicians, direct and outsourced workers, to the country and the communities of the oil environment, to accompany us in this proc difficult essus, to prevent this attack against the public estate of the state.

"If we allow it tomorrow, we will be victims of more poverty and the imposition of new tax reforms," ​​he said forcefully.

Ecopetrol is not sold

On the other hand, the National Prosecutor of the Union of Workers, USO, Jose Marín Moreno Villareal, badured that June 27 of this year, the USO denounced the collective agreement and in a few days "we will deliver" to Ecopetrol the list of demands we "propose" to negotiate with the administration of a state oil company; we aspire to begin negotiations in the early days of August 2018.

"This document and given the current situation of Ecopetrol, the USO seeks to defend and strengthen the company, not letting it privatize and in best practices of exploration and production, advanced oil policy, badet recovery, areas and areas of production, refining, transportation and petrochemicals, now in the hands private companies, multinationals or subsidiaries, share buyback, unit of companies and because there is no elimination of subsidiaries that now take over missionary activities and clean Ecopetrol.For workers, they must apply and / or improve the rights acquired in the collective agreement in health services, scholarships, pension rights, recreation, housing loans, conventional direct payroll, respect for stability "Full guarantees for union activity," said the union leader.

List of Requests

Moreno Villareal said: "In this statement we will also require better conditions for more than 20 Thousands of workers in the companies outsourcing to Ecopetrol, which today They have no job stability, career ladders, have very low wages and benefits, and today they impose service contracts in missionary activities, clean and permanent. the oil industry; In addition, the Ecopetrol administration divided them into oil and non-oil companies, which precarious the wages of non-oil tankers such as casinos, general services, civil works among others, and that their salaries do not exceed 950 thousand pesos per month and today, they must pay their social security. "

Finally, the national prosecutor of the Union of Trade Unions, USO, José Marín Mor eno Villareal, said that "another important aspect that we must move forward and require is better investment conditions. corporate social and environmental responsibility with the oil communities of Ecopetrol, where oil extraction is offset, with social investments in these communities; take into account the surrounding communities with jobs, which are now relegated with the decree 1668 "SPE" public employment system.

To top it off, he said that "a difficult road is waiting for us for the rest of the year with these problems and it is there that we are asking Colombians and workers, who support the USO, if they hit us, they hurt us all, we just want a better country, and better welfare for the workers and the Colombians, "said the union leader.


The reduction in oil production in June is attributed to technical failures in the areas of Yariguie – Cantagallo and Tigana, the government notes.

A very slight record rebound oil production in the country in June this year with 863 538 barrels per day, which, compared with a year ago shows a 1% increase, but recorded a decrease of 0.3% compared to May 2018, according to information the Ministry of Mines and Energy

The press report stresses that the reduction in oil production in June is attributed to technical failures in the areas of Yariguie – Cantagallo and Tigana.

Recently, the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) reminded that for this year compared to the results of a year ago, it is expected a drop in production of 20,000 barrels per day to 860,000 for the whole of 2018.

The state agency says that for the same time, a fiscal scenario was estimated at 844 thousand barrels a day on average and at the same time June 30, production was 855,748 barrels per pound, or 11,000 barrels more than estimated. Therefore, these figures, which were provided to the Ministry of Finance for budgetary purposes, show that the ANH has been cautious with its production estimates. (Also read Alza in the price of oil, sparing life for the country's finances.)

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