This year, you will be vaccinated against the flu almost twice as much as in 2017


The Department of Health badures that this year it will increase the coverage of the at-risk population vaccinated with the influenza dose compared to 2017.

Bringing vaccines to the population during the winter season generated than the people they are in at risk groups to access the doses in their own homes.

In the different groups, the number of people vaccinated this year was higher than the previous

At a press conference, the Undersecretary of Preventive Medicine and Promotion, Gloria Barrionuevo, gave details of the available data. campaign: In 2018, the number of influenza vaccines received in adults was 83,520 doses. There were 62,037 distributed, which were placed. 21,433 doses remained in stock. For the pediatric vaccine, we received 13,440 doses and 10,225 doses were applied. We have 3,215 doses in stock.

The new undersecretary made a comparison between 2017 and the current year regarding the percentage of coverage in risk groups: In 2018, the coverage is 97.4% compared to the previous year. last year, which was 55%; 48% pregnant women against 37% in 2017. During this time, 395 doses were applied in purperas and 69 were applied last year.Patients aged 2 to 64 years have applied this year 23. 501 doses , while the previous year There were 13 128. Meanwhile, among people over 65, this year 14,660 were applied compared to last year, which put 7,227 doses. As you will see, this year there is a lot more coverage in vaccines with risk factors.

On the occasion, the Minister of Health, Ramn Figueroa Castellanos, noted that the age group from 2 to 65 years was more controlled.

In other words, the curve is upward and the numbers are higher than the national average. We did not have to ask for reinforcements because we have in stock more than 20,000 vaccines that will help us to continue the campaign.

In the same vein, the minister said: We were not expecting them to come, we went to look for them. This result in all groups at risk, with larger figures than in previous years, explains this work. There are many people who do not spontaneously go to the vaccinators for different reasons, there are myths and badumptions that are not true.


Among the tips, it is necessary to wash your hands frequently, it helps protect against germs.

The use of alcohol in gel is an alternative to washing with

Avoid direct contact with sick people, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or an elbow when you cough or sneeze, so as not to expel germs that can

Healthy owls: maintain a good state of oral and personal hygiene, sleep well, stay physically active, control stress as much as possible, drink plenty of fluid ( water, natural juices, as much as possible of citrus) and eat nutritious foods.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature and correct environmental factors such as indoor air pollution (for example, by venting and not smoking inside the house).

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