GENERAL – What to do in Pereira [Del 19 al 25 de julio]



1. Muestra de Teatro Alternativo

The last edition of the Alternative Theater Festival will be held in Pereira from July 19th to August 3rd, with the participation of guest groups and teachers from Argentina, Mexico, Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Manizales, Carmen of Viboral and Pereira.

The public will enjoy for 15 days a varied offer of theater theater, theater performances in unconventional spaces, community theater, workshops and meetings with invited creators.

Program of the week

– Thursday, July 19 at 19 h 30 m. in Colombo Americano (career 23-58) will be the Matacandelas theater with "O marinheiro", which is a song of deep inner forces that move the stranger who lives in us, it is a word of forces occult, a scene affair that is closer to a session than a conventional theatrical show.

– Friday, July 20th at 8:00 pm at Sala Estrecha (16th Street, 12-40) will be the mobile band with "Calor at five o'clock in the afternoon". In this work, we immerse ourselves in the song, the irony and the play, in the story of three poets who, at five o'clock in the afternoon, went out in search of & # 039; 39, a poem.

– Saturday, July 21st at 8:00 pm In the Chamber of Commerce of Pereira will be the Mobile Group with "Dark Night, quiet place". The work shows that in our country the internal crisis is indissolubly intertwined with a tear in the structures, which affects Colombians at all levels.

– Tuesday, July 24 at 7:30 pm in the French Alliance will be Sweet Company with "Montes de Tolima". It is the morning of April 1990, the plane rises from Bogota to Barranquilla. Inside, a flight attendant leans towards one of the pbadengers, acknowledges it: it is Carlos Pizarro, ex-M-19 guerrilla and presidential candidate.

– Wednesday, July 25 at 20:00 m. at the Pereira Chamber of Commerce, there will be Purple Creation with "Cannibalistic Fantasies". To the sound of wild music, Alex, an avant-garde artist, finds Chicasuave; when he is admired by her, he invites her to her cave, perhaps with the desire to eat it.

2. Dramatic reading

After three sold-out performances, the Teatro El Paso presents again this weekend its latest creation "Volar: parable of la risa à la tristeza" by César Castaño, presenting Tantes Adalgisa and Offir. The event will take place on July 20 and 21 in the 11th race. 42-83, Maraya at 7:30 p. m. Reservations at 3174486879. Value: $ 10,000. With the money raised, the cultural badociation will be able to build its hall at headquarters.

Festival of Folk Music

The Consotá Park will commemorate the Independence of Colombia with the Festival of Folk Music that will take place on Sunday, July 22 from 14:00. m., where visitors can enjoy in the Guaduales Colosseum various musical presentations with important representatives of Colombian folklore, such as the group Serranía, Canto Andino, Cantaoras del Pacífico and Río Arriba; which will give an afternoon full of emotion.

On this day, the entrance to Consotá Park will be free for category A and B members; Category C and individuals must pay the usual entrance fees. In addition to enjoying the best of Colombian folklore, you can have fun at all the aquatic, recreational and sporting attractions.


Serrania Group: 2:00 – 2:30 p. m

Grupo Canto Andino: 2:40 – 3:10 p. m

Grupo Cantaoras Pacífico Colombian: Platino Mosquera 3:20 – 3:50 p. Mr.

Grupo Rio Arriba: 4:00 – 4:30 p. m.


1. Candilejas

Celebrating 40 years of the death of one of the masters of silent cinema, Cine Colombia presents his latest film "Candilejas", which is also the latest film by Charles Chaplin. Laughter and melodrama have their best expression here in an autobiographical story, in the context of the First World War, in London where his creator built his first creative tools.

The show will take place on Sunday, July 22 at 12:00 pm., Rooms Cinema Colombia. Tickets from $ 15,000 to $ 26,000

2. Cinematographic Criticism

Wednesday, July 25 at 6:30 pm In the audiovisual room of the cultural center of Lucy Tejada, a film critic workshop will be organized, directed by Germán Ossa, where will be screened several filminutos of Juan Padrón of Cuba, cartoons with social content. Free entry.

3. Forum du film

The mayor of Pereira and the cultural center Lucy Tejada present in their film forum "The day the land stopped" in 1951, directed by Robert Wise. The event will take place on Thursday 19 July in the audiovisual room at 17:00. m. Free entry.


1. Argentina sings in Colombia

Thursday, July 19 at 19:00 m. At Umami (Race 7a.n. 22-75), Raul Brando will sing his best hits at an event titled "Argentina sings in Colombia". Reports to 3331939 – 3235094694

2. Independence Day

Friday, July 20 at 14:00 m. In El Oso Park (Cuba), Independence Day will be celebrated with a concert. Among the invited artists: Grupo Di Betico (from Aruba), La Viejoteca from Octavio Otálvaro, Pablo Atuesta (Vallenato concertista), Germain (Colombian Juan Gabriel), Ana Gabriel from Colombia, Diva La Voz , Ruben Rodríguez, Sarita Chaverra and Dj Chamo. There will be raffles and lots of surprises. Free entry.

To my friends

Nocturno Show presents "To my friends", a mix of tangos and songs. There will be guest artists such as Martín de León, singer of Forever Tango (Argentina); Lía López singer (Pereira) and Jonathan Londoño (Pereira). The event will take place on Thursday 19 July at 19:00. m. in the theater Comfamiliar. Reports 312 210 6667.

Brbad and Percussion

Up to July 21, guest musicians from the United States, Germany, France, Belgium and Colombia will take Pereira to the sixth MC Brbad and Percussion Festival. Here is the week's schedule:

– Thursday, July 19: Concert at noon at 12:30 pm. m. with Papayebrbad in the Bolívar Plaza shopping center. In the same way, there will be a jazz ensemble directed by the maestro Germán Díaz and will join the teachers of the festival at 19:30. m. at the Santiago Londoño Theater.

– Friday, July 20: In the hall of the Lucy Tejada Cultural Center at 16:00 m. there will be the Retreat of the Pereira Symphony Band with guest soloists. Achievements: Ignacio Antonio Ríos. There will also be a Big Band concert directed by Maestro Steven Devolder at 6:00 pm. m. in the Pereira Plaza shopping center.

– Saturday, July 21: Assembly of trombones, tubas and drums at 10:00 am a. m., in the Plaza de Bolívar. Didactic concert at 11:00 am at the municipal public library. Papayebrbad concert at 1:30 pm in Florida. Didactic concert at 15:00 m. in the municipal public library. Gabrielli project at 4.30 pm, at the Lucy Tejada Cultural Center. Closing Concert: Pereira Symphonic Band with guest soloists at 7:30 pm m. at the Santiago Londoño Theater.


1. Revisiting the folds of memory

Thursday, July 19 at 6:30 pm, in the multimedia room of David B. Bedeteca of the Alliance Française in Pereira, will continue to explore the rich inner world of Alison Bechdel, the author of the great memory of Fun Home, which serves as a backdrop for a new introspective exercise of this particular author. An expedition to the other pole that sets in motion the mechanism of his personal story: Are you my mother?

2. Story Time

Thursday, July 19 at the Art Museum of Pereira at 17:00. m. the time of the story will be played, where Andrea Cadavid Restrepo will read his story "Arriving on the field". It is a space that the museum carries out once a month for the whole family, with different readers.

Andrea is a social communicator and journalist, a style editor and an editorialist, specializing in the field of research.

Musical events at the Uno Hotel

Thursday, July 19 at 8:00 pm at Uno Gastro Bar, an evening of electronic music will be held, Octava Bogotá the resident DJ Gio Colonna. Presale $ 10,000, $ 20,000 site. Also, Saturday, July 21 at 21:00 m. there will be an Afro music concert with Sr Groove and Expreso Caramanti; worth $ 12,000.

To live without fear of falling

In alliance with the School of the leaders, an experiential conference will be organized to reinforce the financial and emotional habits and thus to improve the quality of life at all levels . The activity will take place on Tuesday, July 24 at the Coasmedas Auditorium (race 9a.23-33) at 7:00 pm. m. Voluntary contribution Refers to 3218171631.

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