It's on the Costa that energy consumption has risen the most in June


XM reported that the recorded growth was 6.8%

The Caribbean coast was the region with the highest growth in consumer spending. energy in Colombia in June, with 6.8% compared to the same month of 2017 (3.7%).

According to information provided by XM, Operator of the National Interconnected System (INS) and Administrator of the Colombia Energy Wholesale Market.

The demand for energy on the Caribbean coast in the first half increased by 5.0% compared to the same period in 2017 (2.7%).

The director of the XM National Dispatch Center, Jaime Alejandro Zapata Uribe, badured that during this period the demand from regulated and unregulated users has increased.

In the unregulated market, the most important activity was agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing with 13.2%, while electricity, gas and oil Water from the city contracted by 7.9%.

At the national level, in the sixth month of the year, the energy demand was 3.9% compared to the same month of 2017 (2.2%).

Growth in other regions was: Guaviare 6.2%; Valley 4.2%; Tolima, Huila and Caquetá 3.3%; He hit 2.4%; Is 2.3%; South 2.3%; Antioquia 2.2%; Center 2.2% and Caldas, Quindío, Pereira 2.1%.

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