It will be compulsory vaccination of pigs against plague


Redacción Economía

Actions for animal health will be led by the Colombian Association of Pork Producers (Porkcolombia) and will be supervised by the ICA.

The Colombian Institute of Agriculture (ICA) established mandatory vaccination against clbadical swine fever. Those who own, mobilize and / or commercialize these animals must vaccinate them in all the municipalities of Arauca, Atlantico, Bolivar, Caesar, Cordoba, La Guajira, Magdalena, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo and Sucre, and in Antioquia , Cauca, Boyacá and Casanare

By resolution 22077, the Institute defined the conditions required for the movement of animals in these areas and for the marketing and distribution of the vaccine.

The measure also applies to those who develop the vaccine. pig production or market and / or distribute vaccine against clbadical or clbadical swine fever in defined areas.

Apartadó, Arboletes, Cáceres, Carepa, Caucasus (except Cutura, Puerto Triana and Puerto Colombia villages), Chigorodó, Mutatá, Nechí, Necíclí, San Juan de Urabá, San Pedro de Urabá, Tarazá, Turbo, Valdivia (Trails from Monteblanco, Siberia, Rica Beach, Juantas, El Quincé, El Catorce, Puquí, Pu to Raudal, Los Pomos, Cachirime, La Paulina, La Alemana, Old Raudal, La Coposa, Las Camelias , in Las Palomas), in Antioquia

Hato Corozal, Paz de Ariporo, Tamara, Pore, Trinidad, San Luis de Palenque, Nunchia, Orocué, El Yopal, Aguazul and Maní, in Casanare; Algeria, Balboa, Florence and Mercaderes, in Cauca, and Cubará, in Boyacá.

Also, all the municipalities of Arauca, Atlantico, Bolivar, Caesar, Córdoba, La Guajira, Magdalena, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo and Sucre

"The application of the vaccine will be carried out by veterinarians, zootechnical veterinarians, zootechnicians, agricultural technicians, vaccinators and licensed producers, under the responsibility of the Colombian Pork Breeders' Association (Porkcolombia), the National Pig Industry Fund, and the supervision of the 39. ICA Similarly, the marketing and distribution of the vaccine will be borne by Porkcolombia, "said ICA General Director Luis Humberto Martínez Lacouture

" Only the use of vaccines approved by the ICA, whose composition contains live viruses, will be authorized.Changed clbadical Chinese swine fever, adapted to cell cultures, "added the entity.

The vaccination schedule stipulates that piglets will receive the first vaccination between 45 and 60 days; replacement sows will be vaccinated at 4 or 5 months of age; those reared will be vaccinated twice a year after 90 days of gestation or during the first week of lactation; breeding males will be vaccinated twice a year, while females and breeding males will be identified according to the official pattern at the beginning of their productive cycle and will be kept during subsequent vaccination cycles.

"The ICA reminds all producers that all pigs that are mobilized in established areas for compulsory vaccination must have the corresponding sanitary guide for internal mobilization, be vaccinated against clbadical swine fever and be identified The entity has also banned the mobilization of vaccinated pigs in areas free from clbadical swine fever or in the process of eradicating the disease, "the ICA concluded in a statement. press release

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