Energy consumption in the country increased by 3.9% in June | Medellin


The company XM, operator of the National Interconnected System – SIN- and administrator of the wholesale energy market of Colombia, confirms that last June the demand for energy increased by 3, 9% compared to the same month of 2017, where it had increased

In this way, consumption is located slightly above the scenario designated as average by the energy mining planning unit [19659002] In Antioquia, the demand for energy increased by 2.2% compared to the same month. Last year, this demand had increased by 0.7%.

Up to this year, from January 1 to June 30, the demand for energy in Antioquia has grown by 2.2% over the same period. of 2017, when it had decreased by 2.2%.

According to Jaime Alejandro Zapata Uribe, director of the National Shipping Center of XM "The demand for energy continues to increase in both types of consumers; in the unregulated market, the number of people in the market is rising. Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing experienced the strongest growth with 13.2%, while electricity, city gas and water fell by 7.9%. "

National Panorama

In June, the national demand was 5.697 gigawatts / hour, while that of the same month in 2017 was 5.493 gigawatts / hour.

The company explained that growth in energy demand is calculated as a weighted average of the growth of different types of days (commercial, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).

This type of calculation decreases the fluctuations that occur in the monthly follow-ups, derived from the dependence of energy consumption in relation to the number of days presented in the month of badysis.

Discriminated by type of consumer, in residential consumption and small businesses (regulated market), there was a growth of 3.3%; In turn, the consumption of industry and trade (unregulated market) increased by 5.0%.

In the badysis by regions, he explained that in all there was a growth in demand compared to June 2017, on the Atlantic coast. %, Guaviare 6.2%, Valley 4.2%, THC (Tolima, Huila, Caquetá) 3.3%, Chocó 2.4%, Oriente 2.3%, On 2.3%, Antioquia 2.2% , Center 2.2% and CQR (Caldas, Quindío, Pereira) 2.1

The peak power demand for June 2018 was 9 961 MW, recorded on Thursday 7.

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