Seven Things You Should Know About Good Teeth Care


Oral health care is becoming a routine habit and must be done properly at all stages of life, as the absence of such care could lead to multiple illnesses.

You might be interested: Treatments According to figures from the Public Health Directorate, the state of oral hygiene of Colombians is alarming, about 88.4% have poor oral hygiene -dentary, the 7.79% is clbadified as regular and only 2.9% of Colombians have good oral health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that oral health is an essential element of overall health and well-being, which has a significant impact on the quality of life. In line with these arguments, Dr. Liliam Patricia Sotelo said that "the smile is a letter of introduction, when the teeth are not treated can present alterations that range from: low self-esteem of people, obvious digestive problems the way we communicate by changing the pronunciation of certain phonemes that require the presence of our teeth. "

The San Martín Dental School and Dr. Liliam Patricia Sotelo, pediatric dentist at the establishment of 39, teaching, have revealed how to take care of their teeth and about some existing myths around this subject.

1. The basic rule: Brush your teeth after every meal and at least three Once a day, it is not advisable to go to bed at night without brushing your teeth with a good fluoride toothpaste and without using silk or dental floss.

2. Proper use: One of the recommendations Most important is not to use the teeth to open the bottles, the packaging, the hair curls or try to remove objects because it is a very common practice that has serious consequences on the teeth. 3 Avoid excessive consumption of sweets: Eating large amounts of sugar, acidic products or dark drinks is not recommended. Sugars and poor oral hygiene are the main cause of tooth decay. For their part, acids cause wear of tooth enamel and pigmentation of dark drinks.

4. Gastric Problems: Gastric disorders can affect oral health. Of course; For example: diseases such as bulimia-anorexia – among others – where induced vomiting may exist, it is observed that the acid produced by pathological gastric reflux, constant and repeated in the mouth uses the enamel of teeth. So, it is true that gastric diseases have consequences in our mouths.

5. Mouthwash: It is not true that the mouth rinses. Yes, there are some who have a high alcohol content and produce – in some people – irritability of the oral mucosa, but in the market, the options are obtained without alcohol. These are the most recommended for children. Mouthwashes are a good complement to oral hygiene habits.

6. Dental floss: The ideal is always to floss after eating, because the brush does not cover certain surfaces of the teeth (interproximal surfaces). It is advisable to floss at least once a day and then brush. At night, no one should fall asleep without flossing and brushing their teeth.

7. The role of parents: They have the mission to supervise and educate children to brush their teeth, in addition to controlling sugar consumption. Babies should be brought to the pediatric dentist to start educating and guiding parents in the care and cleansing of their gums and later when they do their teeth, as in nutritional care. Sometimes parents think that since they do not have teeth outside, it is not necessary to take them, but it is recommended.

Pregnant women should have good eating habits because they greatly influence the formation of the baby's teeth. 19659002] Fear of the dentist is another factor that influences the deterioration of oral health. The minimum is to go to dental appointments twice a year, that is to say every six months; but it depends on the risk of each patient, sometimes these visits should be more followed, every 3 months.

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Posted by on Thursday, April 12, 2018

Viviana Yepes –

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