Alfa plans to increase its operating stream by 17.2% in 2018


The Alfa conglomerate has changed its operating flow forecast (EBITDA, for its acronym in English) to 2018, it should be 2 thousand 365 million dollars, 9 percent higher than expected in February.

This would mean growth of 17.2% compared to the flow reported in 2017.

While the business figure, the company expects to be 18 thousand 825 million, or 12 percent more than last year.

At a conference with badysts, Eduardo Escalante, the company's finance director, pointed out that this was due to plant acquisitions in Brazil by its chemical subsidiary Alpek, as well to the improved commodity prices of Newpek, the energy sector.

Only in Alpek the company expects an EBITDA of $ 750 million, or 7% more than expected at the beginning of the year and nearly twice as much as in 2017 .

"In the Alpek business figure is expected to yield 6 thousand 825 million dollars (26% more than expected in February) because we see a better environment for the sale of PET (plastic), as well as the consolidation of Suape and Citepe (The resin factories in Brazil) ", explained the manager.

They also hope to sell Alpek's power plants, which account for 95% of their construction, in the third quarter of this year.

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