Calendar of the third installment of the More Families in Action program


The Mayor's Office of Neiva announced the payment schedule for all holders of the More Families in Action program of the Municipality of Neiva, which will start from July 19th to August 9th.

These payments correspond to health and education for the months of February and March 2018. To access them, the owners have Daviplata's services, where the disbursement information comes from mobile phones, to then approach a cashier Davivienda making it effective, and to the rotation service that is done in the points of ConexRed. It is important to keep in mind that in order to avoid agglomerations and congestion of the service, a payment system called "Pico y Cédula" was designed, which will correspond, according to the last digit from the beneficiary's card, to a specific day to make the transaction.

"It is important that homeowners do not stop accumulating money without having to pay, remember that three free transfers mean that the program will suspend them, losing all the benefits that it offers, "said Angela Valenzuela, Municipal link of the More Families in Action program.

Schedule of Payments


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