Narcos prevents the vaccination campaign against measles in the Brazilian city


Sao Paulo – Drug trafficking groups prevented Brazilian health authorities from vaccinating against measles in an area of ​​the city of Manaus, state capital of Amazonas, confirmed official sources today

. the day before, a team of health workers applying door-to-door vaccines in the Jorge Teixeira neighborhood in the east of the city saw their work interrupted by the threats of several drug traffickers, denounced the Mayor of Manaus.

suspects, apparently members of a criminal faction "who threatens to dominate" the state of Amazonas, "prevented the continuation of vaccination that can save babies and adults," denounced the mayor from Manaus, Arthur Virgílio Neto, on social networks, did not specify the reasons.

Traffickers have not even been intimidated by the presence of a television crew accompanying officials of the Municipal Secretariat In recent weeks, Amazonas has faced a worrying epidemic of measles which, until July 17, there were 444 confirmed cases, while 2,529 others continue to be studied, according to the latest report from the Ministry of Health. Brazilian Health

"I make a very strong call to the governor of the state (Amazonas, Amazonino Mendes) for it to come in with all I can have of police because one can never let Amazonas become the property of traffickers ", asks Virgílio Neto

The police opened an investigation and since Thursday morning, the Secretariat of Public Security of Amazonas has deployed an integrated operation in the district of Jorge Teixeira to guarantee the continuation of the vaccination campaign [19659003] For the moment, the Brazilian authorities have arrested a man and confiscated two vehicles, which apparently would have been obados

The mayor also informed that he will personally accompany the health teams tonight and stated that "if the traffickers want to do something," they "will put it at their disposal", but they will "vaccinate". ] window.addEvent (& # 39; load & # 39 ;, function () {
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