Classical pieces of Russian ballet at the Teatro Centro de Arte | Intercultural | news


"Bringing ballet to all who like and those who do not like it" is one of the objectives proposed by the cast of Los Zares del Ballet, which was presented last Wednesday in Quito and who arrives today at Guayaquil at the Teatro Centro de Arte (TCA)

Swan Lake, El Quijote, The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, are some of the works that the stars of ballet Russian have chosen for their tour in Latin America. 19659002] "It's a show where what is involved is to show the best of each artist, the ability and skill of the dancer, forget the technology, support the lights, which although important, try to disguise the show with things that take the viewer away from what is really important, the artist, "says Anastasia Lomachenkova, first ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Ballet of St. Petersburg,

She adds that this show," which brings together great soloists, is not a Normal ball, where there is a dance body and only two soloists, is a show where the artistic quality is greater than anything, it's like thinking of a movie, but in this opportunity there will not be only two protagonists, but we will have eight protagonists, something never seen before, the same with this gala. "

Lomachenkova, who had an exceptional career both in dance and in the theater, sou line that this proposal has "a demonstration of lyricism, with magic in the feet, with years and years of preparation. and work, with an orthodox discipline that for centuries has formed the best in the world. "What we will see on stage will be the main currents of Russian ballet, which has nurtured all the ballets of the world, what we will see on stage are not years of preparation for an artist, but centuries of preparation for Such important entities in the world of dance as the Marinsky Theater, Mikhailovsjy or Stanislavisky in Moscow. "

The artist whose ballet is his life, and who played all the characters most Important of the world ballet, "all the characters that I have had I am also loved and in each I put my heart and my skin."

The ballet tsars will perform at 8:00 pm today. The Art Center Theater is located at km 4.5 of the coast road. Tickets can be found at Ecuticket outlets. The cost is $ 40, $ 60 and $ 80. (I)

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