These are the most common symptoms that announce the arrival of menopause


Photo: Colsanitas

Menopause is a stage in a woman's life that indicates the end of ovarian function and, therefore, the period of fertility. It is marked, primarily, by significant physiological changes in health that are the result of the absence of estrogen, female bad hormones that contribute to the normal functioning of the body.

"In Colombia, the average age of menopause is 51. Although in some women, the form of the manifestation is more intense, in others, it manifests itself in a gentler way. and with a shorter duration, "said Dr. Luis Martín Uribe, a gynecologist and endocrinologist attached to Colsanitas.

These are the most common symptoms that indicate that a woman enters her menopausal period:

1. Changes in menstrual periods: alterations of the menstrual cycle, until its completion, is one of the first signs of menopausal menstruation Usually, there are cycles without ovulation and some delays, as well an intermenstrual coloration. These alterations are known as perimenopause.

2. Heat waves: occur mainly by vasomotor disorders. Women may experience a feeling of warmth in the upper body, accompanied by excessive sweating and redness of the skin. These episodes occur suddenly, mainly at night, and can interrupt sleep. Hot flashes can last from 30 seconds to several minutes.

3. Sensitivity and irritability: Before entering this phase, episodes of sadness, sensitivity, depression, easy crying, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and low self-esteem may occur.

4. Vaginal desire: Faced with declining estrogen levels, the badl tissue shrinks and thins, which is called badl atrophy. PH increases and also increases the vulnerability to the acquisition of badl and urinary infections.

5. Urinary incontinence: The urinary tract is affected, so that women may have difficulty controlling the bladder and an increase in urinary frequency.

6. Decalcification: decreased hormonal levels contributing to bone loss. In this way, the bones become brittle and women become more likely to develop osteoporosis.

7. Decrease in badual activity: It is very likely that there is a decrease in badual desire and that, in general, living in a couple is harder to bear. Sex is made more difficult by badl dryness.

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