Dysthymia, a depressive disorder that is often confused reluctantly – Current Life – Latest news from Uruguay and the world updated


Dysthymia is a chronic depressive disorder, little known and confusing symptoms that are often confused reluctantly, making it difficult to diagnose, said Hiram Ortega, a doctor at the National Institute of Psychiatry.

This condition has the particularity of being a type of persistent depression; that is, one person "every month for two years has had most days of sadness and depression," Ortega told Efe.

Some of the features of this type of depression are sad and irritable mood, low energy, fatigue, low self-esteem, constant stress, lack of concentration, feeling of hopelessness and problems with sleep and d & # 39; appetite.

"If we see someone who suddenly has no energy, stays at home, wants to be alone or he leaves very little and most of the time is irritable, be careful not to have of dysthymic disorder, "warns the psychiatrist.

In patients with dysthymia, there is also a high degree of neurosis that generates little tolerance for frustration, very high demands, and rapid discouragement if they do not reach their goal.

However, suffering from dysthymia does not always generate a total dysfunction; the person is always reactive to certain stimuli that give him pleasant results such as going out, living, playing video games or doing another activity of his taste.

"These are people who usually see them as angry, withdrawn, sad, some people or activities manage to get out or get upset," said Ortega, a specialist in emotional disorders.

And he added that although it seems that the patient with dysthymia "is fine", after a few hours, a day or two, state of lethargy, disinterest, fatigue, feeling of guilt, low self-esteem and low levels of anxiety. energy. "

Some of the factors that could trigger dysthymia are the person's temperament, family history, complicated dueling, and frequent stress that, after a time, exceeds the person's ability.

The doctor indicated that, although there is still no statistical data on a growth rate, the ratio of risk factors going with current social demands could favor the increase in cases of the de in the young population

"At the global level there is a lot of competition, more and more schooling is required, young people face more social pressure; So the hypothesis or what we can predict is that there is more dysthymia, "he said.

Therefore," it is important to spread and be careful when a young person is like that "because it is often thought transient," even that the patient to improve "nothing else should make you want," said the specialist.

The treatment of dysthymia can last a year or more, through psychotherapy or medication to restore the symptoms, although there are people who could present them again due to a genetic predisposition or alterations in the brain.

However, confusing the disorder and avoiding medical attention could be serious for the patient because "when someone is already in dysthymia it means that he has so much Ortega said:

often in a state of sadness and irritability "is not normal", many people with depression problems. To the patient "they believe that they are like this and sometimes even the person who suffers it" comes to believe it, "concluded Ortega

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