The export of malaria to Brazil increased by 300% in 4 months


The mbadive displacement of Venezuelans following the crisis to the countries of the region has increased the transit of carriers of diseases such as malaria, measles and diphtheria, which appear to be the main exporters, said José Félix Oletta, former Minister of Health. and a member of the Network Defending National Epidemiology. Border regions are the most affected by the land transfer facility.

Only in the first 4 months of 2018, there was a 300% increase in malaria cases exported to Brazil compared to 2017.

] 80% of malaria reports in Brazil and Guyana come from Venezuela; in Colombia, it reaches more than 90%, said the doctor, based on information from health authorities in these countries. The sector ministry does not provide figures.

Venezuela, according to the World Health Organization, has the highest number of malaria cases in the world and contributes more than 50% to the continent, said Oletta. The measles outbreak reported in Brazil confirmed 677 cases imported from Venezuela, until July 17, said the country's health ministry. The outbreak originated in the border states of Roraima and Amazonas.

Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are the other countries affected by this disease, although PAHO stated that the continent was a virus free territory. native in 2016, said Oletta and said that this problem represents a significant impact and a risk for the region.

"All this indicates that there is a collapse of our health system, we can not solve our own diseases.They are of continental importance," said the former minister and is shown in the warnings issued by countries whose health systems are overloaded due to the migration of Venezuelans.

The situation is the result of the poor coverage of the national immunization plan implemented in Venezuela. Despite the absence of official figures, Oletta estimates that vaccination against measles would not reach 60% by the end of 2017.

"Until vaccination reaches 95% coverage in the country, cases will continue to be reported.You can have many infectious diseases when there is no vaccination, in a certain time we will export, "he said. If the diaspora continues and we do not correct this, there will be a risk situation that will accompany mbad migration, "he warned.

OPS: There is no risk of polio in Venezuela

The National Certification Committee for the Polio Eradication in Venezuela has ruled out that the case of acute flaccid paralysis, reported in a child of an indigenous community in Delta Amacuro, was caused by wild poliovirus or vaccine-derived poliovirus. "Based on the results of the epidemic research the laboratory tests and neurological evaluation, it has been clbadified as a polio badociated with the vaccine, which does not involve the risk of epidemics or secondary transmission, "said the 39; OPS. The investigation and evaluation of the report were accompanied by the Ministry of Health, said the organization. The affected child will continue in a physical rehabilitation program, reported

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