What to eat if you suffer from hypoglycemia?


Hypoglycemia occurs regularly in patients with diabetes who receive insulin or other drugs for the treatment of their disease and occurs when the levels of sugar in the blood fall below 70 mg / dl. It has three phases: mild, moderate and severe. Usually occurs when the patient has injected too much insulin, has not eaten enough or exercised without consuming the necessary food, according to information from the Mexican Diabetes Federation .

If you suffer from this disease here we tell you what to eat.


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Legumes : Although they do not provide as much protein as meat, they can facilitate control of this condition as they contain carbohydrates, fiber and antioxidant compounds that contribute to the increase of glucose.normal levels.Lensils, beans and peas are some recommendations.


Potatoes : They are an important source of energy, they are complex carbohydrates with a chain of simple sugar molecules that take longer to digest in the intestine, which helps to have more stable glucose levels

 papas_.jpg [19659005] Integral pasta : Unlike refined products, which consist of simple carbohydrates, whole pasta takes longer to digest in the intestine, which contributes, like the potato, to glucose indices more stable.


Oats : Your diet The types of fiber, along with their vitamins and minerals, counteract the symptoms of low levels of sugar, in addition to 39, improve circulation and performance.


Fruits: They are a good source of fructose, therefore "they increase glucose in the blood and favor people with this disease" , says Fernanda Alvarado, expert in nutrition



They are easy and cheap methods that will give you great benefits

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Fernanda Alvarado is a nutritionist and educator in diabetes, write the section "Healthy Zone" in the Printed Menu Supplement of the Universal. She studied continuing education in nutrition and training as a health promoter of the Universidad Iberoamericana. Candidate for a master's degree in nutrition and dietetics with a specialty in community nutrition.
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