The Dicom auction placed the price of the euro at 168,609, or 60 bolivars


Caracas. – The price of currencies such as the US dollar and the euro has increased in the Venezuelan official system of complementary currency auctions (DICOM) after its latest offer, according to data provided by the Central Bank on Friday. of Venezuela (BCV).

BCV reported the result of the 23rd auction, according to which one euro is traded in the oil country for 168,609.60 bolivars, after the European common currency was quoted in the latest offer at 140,000.00 bolivars.

Although Dicom's newsletter does not include the result in dollars, the BCV reported it based on the relationship between the US and European currency.

Thus, a dollar costs 144,000 Bolivars in Venezuela today, while at the last auction, it was 120,000 bolivars, reported EFE.

These prices are thousands of times more expensive than the rate of foreign exchange (Dipro) preferential dollars at the price of 10 bolivars per unit.

This rate was repealed in January to give way to Dicom, the official exchange rate in Venezuela, where strict foreign exchange controls have been operating since 2003 and gives the state a monopoly on foreign exchange.

It was reactivated by the Venezuelan government in late January, after its suspension in September 2017. At the time, it recorded a rate of 3,345 bolivars per dollar and 4,142 euros per euro.

With these results, the Caribbean minimum wage is set at $ 36.1 per month, added EFE.

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