Diego Torres: "Missing love letters and respect" | Shows


A musical revival knows the Argentine singer Diego Torres with the release of the video clip of the song "Un Poquito", in which he made a duet with the Colombian Carlos Vives . From Miami, the performer talked about this production and announced a duet album with great artists

Why did you choose to start this stage of your career with "A Poquito" and work with Carlos Vives ?
to release this song and share with Carlos Vives. I've been working the lyrics and Carlos's voice has appeared because it's a very cool song. It's great because he also loves Latin American rhythms. It's a song that comes with a message.

They combine rhythms like vallenato, urban music and reggae that made us think of your beginnings.
Yes, there is the reggae that I did in my early days and also a tasty music to dance to. Talk about the value of falling in love and that it is important to be happy. It's an ideal song for us to meet and share with Carlos.

Is it difficult to fall in love in these times through the songs?
No. I think that love and romance will never be out of date. It is not a love of a day or a love of summer. This song has direct lyrics and that was the idea at the time of writing.

This is the beginning of a new album in which you will release several video clips with stories.
Yes, we will release a disc later with video clips and there will be several guests.

Do you include a collaboration with Gian Marco?
We are friends for a long time and if there is a possibility of collaboration, we will do it.

How did you see the changes in Latin music? Does this affect you or do you adapt as an interpreter?
Now there are several proposals in music and it is good that the public has the opportunity to choose. What I do, is to merge my music with other rhythms.

You are a spokesman for the UN that promotes gender equality. What do you think of urban music singers who play tempo songs?
They are free to sing what they want. What I think is that there are songs that do not stop women and that lack letters of love and respect, like "A Poquito".

You also stand out as an actor because the movie "Re loca" that you recorded with Natalia Oreiro had a good welcome in Argentina.
The film went well. I combine music with the acting game, that is my other pbadion.

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