Felipe Aljure: "Colombian cinema lacks life to grow and mature"


The new artistic director of the Cartagena International Film Festival participated in our raffle. That's what he told us.

He directed La gente de la universal, a cult film of the national cinema. He was head of the Cinematography Directorate of the Ministry of Culture. And he was a key figure in the film law. He is now the new artistic director of the Cartagena International Film Festival.

What is the purpose of film festivals?

To celebrate cinema

Some details you would like to change at the Cartagena Film Festival. [19659003] Cartagena is a film festival and not a filmmakers competition.

The most exciting film?

Create the movie.

The cinema, why?

To discuss the adventure of the human primate on Earth

And the Oscar?

To move the industry.

A soundtrack to carry a car trip from Bogotá to La Guajira

Something Wild

An actress who unveils it.

The talented.

A word to describe a:

Víctor Gaviria: maestro.

Ciro Guerra: narrator.

Rubén Mendoza: tal

What's left in Colombian cinema?

You win

A key weapon of his studies in London.


A memorable documentary.


A film to de-stress.

The purple rose of Cairo.

Three directors who have been referents for their work?

In Colombia, Mayolo, Poncho Ospina and Pepe Sánchez.

A children's movie that we know from memory at a time by repeating it with his daughter.


A condition for watching a movie in the cinema

A good image and a good sound.

How many movies do you see in a week? ]

It depends on the week. I have weeks of festivals of 30 films

The best film festival he attended outside of Colombia.

That of Havana, because of the enthusiasm of the people.

Why are they wearing shorts?

Because they train talents.

Do you eat in movies?

Petit. Sometimes popcorn.

A corner of the world where you would like to make a movie.

In Sardinia.

His favorite genre.

Everyone except terror.

The best advice you received?

Do not study cinema.

A movie phrase to remember.

The natives are agitated (the natives are indefatigable).

Something I envy women?

I admire the constancy of one.

How to cure a shock?

With a little La Fania sauce.

] What would I change about you?

I accept myself as I am, but I try to learn every day.

A recommendation for young people who want to make a movie?

Who creates

Who would want to be in paradise?

To hell with you.

What do you think?


His greatest weakness.

The heart.

What does the stone do?

An automatic call from the gardens of the immaculate cemetery selling graves. on the fixed line, Sunday, at six o'clock in the morning

What's left for humanity?


What is missing? ] [19659003] Knowledge

A virtue of the Colombians?


And his biggest fault?


What does not forgive?

I forgive everything.

A habit to you before you sleep.


A teacher.

Phil Mottram

A fear.

Lose the pbadion.

His worst embarrbadment.

Running out of battery, recording the birth of my daughter

What did I want to be when I grew up?


A character who would like to know?


An impossible to leave.


A Colombian Expression that you like.

& # 39; Hermanito & # 39;

What is missing in Colombian cinema?

Life to grow and mature.

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