Take steps to prevent the spread of influenza in Montería | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The Ministry of Health and Social Security of Monteria set off alarms in the six confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1) in the department of Córdoba, three of them in the capital.

Virus proliferation are carrying out relevant actions and recommendations in the guidelines published by the National Institute of Health, including those who are attentive to any of the symptoms to see the doctor immediately.

They asked to be alert to progressive deterioration, difficulty breathing, fever over 38 degrees, fever difficult to control for more than two days, wheezing or chest murmur, seizures or attacks, and caries in children under five.

They indicated that to prevent this disease, avoid contact with people who have a cold or cough and it is important to use masks. They also warned that it is necessary to keep the home ventilated because it is a good option for the virus to not focus.

Health authorities recommended approaching a health center where immunization service is provided and If you experience symptoms similar or equal to those described above, avoid schools and places as much as possible working.

They also pointed out that the H1N1 virus is a new virus, which is why they do not have any defenses yet. It is very easily transmitted, like the flu, by the droplets of saliva and glanders of patients who, by sneezing or coughing, without properly covering the mouth and nose, leave the virus in the air or in the hands, then infect on

They insisted that children aged 6 to 23 months and adults over 60 must be vaccinated each year against the common flu because it is the most common Finally, they have says that self-medication is not recommended, so before taking any medication, consult your doctor to avoid complications or improper treatments.

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