"Never again" the campaign of Charlie Zaa and his daughter at Premios Juventud


Charlie Zaa has arrived from his daughter's hand on the awards stage to remember and remember the Feb. 16 events at the Marjory Stoneman School where teachers gave their lives to protect students from school. 39, a shootout and also, to give a message of rejection to the unusual attacks that occur in the US clbadrooms.

Likewise, Lauren Mia Sánchez, the singer's daughter, invited all the audience with the word "Never Again & # 39; , which means never again, join their voices to reject the atrocious events that took the life of their teacher.

"Never again will we remain idle in situations of violence, we will never allow such tragedies to happen again, the hashtag" never again "speaks of the commitment and strength with which the new generations are fighting for us all, "said Lauren.

A few days after the unfortunate shooting, the Colombian singer devoted a few words to him, through his instagram narrative, to the professor who gave his life to save his daughter and d & # 39; other students. 19659005]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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