Charlie Zaa honored the memory of the man who saved his daughter's life during a shootout in the United States. UU


The Boleros singer remembers the unfortunate prices that took place at the Parkland School where he studied.

On February 16, a young man identified as Nikolas Cruz, indiscriminately opened fire and took the lives of 17 people who were in Marjory Stoneman High School.

Among the victims was Professor Scott Beigel, geography teacher of the singer's daughter, who sacrificed her life to allow many students to hide from the killer.

At the Premios Juventud Gala, Zaa and her daughter gave a speech to reject acts of violence in the United States. Among the statements made by the young woman, let us stress:

"Never again will we sit idly by in situations of violence, we will never let such tragedies happen again, the hashtag" never again "speaks of Commitment and strength with which the new generations are fighting for us all, "said Lauren.

During the awards gala were not given, but were used to highlight the social initiatives of Latinos in the United States.

The Complete Speech of Charlie and Lauren:

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The Youth Awards were a party for Latino Activists in the United States

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