Cristina Hurtado posed without makeup on the cover of a magazine and they continue to applaud


"What a good message, shout, we are tired of artificial beauty" "I love it, thank you for making us feel beautiful without the need for taboos, no matter the years .. "money," "Bravo, many should learn from you and leave Photoshop so much that the only thing that contributes are the stereotypes that damage our teenagers", A great message for all women who are exposed to so much of prototypes of perfect women that do not really exist " are some of the comments of their fans.

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And in addition to leave without makeup in Cromos, by displaying the cover (entitled "Cristina Hurtado, beauty without masks") in her account Instagram the presenter added the reason for which she agreed to do it and is very related with this that his fans wrote to him

[1 9459004] "I have always been a champion of natural beauty, not to be afraid of the true beauty of every woman and when these opportunities arise To reproduce this message, I accept it with all my love but especially with the spirit of to motivate all women to accept their beauty without fear of what they will say and to teach them, through my experiences, that inner beauty will always prevail the superficiality of flesh! "he said

It is Cristina's photo in the natural, and then several of the compliments that his followers made him.

I agreed to to make this cover of @ chromos by conviction !! I have always been a champion of natural beauty, not to be afraid of the true beauty of every woman and when these opportunities come to reproduce this message, I l & # 39; accept with all my love but especially with the intention of motivating all women to accept their beauty without fear of what they will say and teach them, through my experiences, that inner beauty will always prevail over superficiality of the flesh !! Love what God has given, love your family, your children, your virtues, your abilities, your ears, your eyes, your elbows, your feet, your hands, your back, love your life be happy and give the best example to new generations! I invite you to read this ed ition of @cromos

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Instagram crisshurtado.

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