At least 3,300 citizens acquired Bogo Energy Group shares


The energy group of Bogotá successfully completed the second stage of democratization where managed to allocate 953,714,705 shares to $ 2,018 for an amount of $ 1.94 billion.

According to known figures, today more Colombians own the GEB and the number of shareholders of natural persons was allowed to increase by 60% .

In the last process 3,300 citizens acquired shares . So, things, today, are about 7,000 Colombian owners of this group.

In this regard, it was learned that democratization was a historic transaction that exceeded the expectations of the investment bank, in which, participating in the study, the District offered 8% of the GEB (which could increase up to 16% depending on demand), an amount that was exceeded by putting 10.4% of total GEB shares (over-demand by 1.2%).

The operation, which amounted to 1.994 billion pesos, became the most important transaction of the last 4 years in Colombia and in Latin America it is the largest since April with mbadive participation

In addition, it was noted that it never occurred that a public entity sold a minority stake in the secondary market reached significant amounts and continued the control of society.

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