Colombian economic performance tends to increase


The Financial Opinion Survey (EOF) produced monthly by the Center for Economic and Social Research (Fedesarrollo), showed a slight increase in the projection of economic growth for this year, which has pbaded from 2.5% to 2.6% and forecasts for 2019 were maintained at 3.1%.

In this line, respondents revised their growth forecasts for the second quarter upward from 2.4% to 2.5% (15%). August the Dane will reveal this data), too, they increased their prognosis of growth for the third quarter from 2.5% to 2.6%.

The EOF result is similar to the Banco de la República Monthly Economic Expectations Survey, in which respondents estimated economic growth in the second quarter of 2.48% and for the second quarter. Set year 2018 of 2.56%.

In the Fedesarrollo survey, participants considered that July inflation will continue to rise and will be at 3.33%. In turn, inflation expectations for the end of the year slightly increased from 3.30% in June to 3.37%.

On the exchange rate of the dollar, which ended in June at 2,930 pesos, it is expected that ends this month between 2,850 pesos and 2,900 pesos, with an average response of 2,880 pesos

, the projection of the exchange rate of the North American currency for the next three months was between 2,860 pesos and 2,950 pesos, For the next three meetings of the Board of Directors of the Bank of the Republic (the closest on Friday July 27), 87.5% of those surveyed by Fedesarrollo believe that they would not happen. adjustments of the interest rate or interest of the Issuer and that this would remain at 4.25%.

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