Televisa negotiates the sale of Radiópolis, which it shares with the Prisa group, to the Acir group


Grupo Televisa sold its radio business, which would end an era of 88 years

Grupo Televisa explores the sale of its 50% stake in the Radiópolis system, which is also operated by the group Spanish Prisa since 2002. The multimedia giant talks with various agents of the industry to place "Televisa Radio" in new hands and among those who are interested, Grupo ACIR is the one who has the greatest opportunities , he said a source with direct knowledge of the subject.

Whoever takes control of 50% of Televisa in Radiópolis will collaborate with Grupo Prisa, until the expiry of the contracts signed in 2002, the source said. The company Prisa Mexico is on vacation and Televisa and Grupo ACIR have been contacted electronically, by telephone and voicemail, but for now, until 13:45, they have not responded at the request of position on this information

Televisa, through its corporate name Cadena Radiodifusora Mexicana SA de CV, is the owner of the spectrum of 17 AM / FM radio stations that Radiópolis operates directly across Mexico, six of them. 39, between them only in the capital and where the national channels "W Radio", "Los 40 Principales", "Ke-Bon" and "Love me." Its network of affiliated stations within the Republic would add 130 signals.

The Televisa frequencies in Mexico City -730, 900 and 940 AM and 92.9, 96.9 and 101.7 FM- have concession titles. valid until July 3 and 4 of the year 2036, according to the Federal Telecommunications Institute. The IFT also reports that Televisa paid 89 million 209,734 pesos in August 2017 for the renewal of the securities of these six capitals; 22.6 million pesos per FM station and 7.5 million pesos per AM frequency, baseline data to determine the transaction that arrives in Radiópolis.

Televisa, Radio Pillar in Mexico
The eventual release of Grupo Televisa from this case will not only end an era of 88 years on Mexican radio, since businessman Emilio Azcárraga Vidaurreta broadcast the signal of the legendary XEW-AM on September 18, 1930, there will also be local and national repercussions for other players in the industry, the one who until 2014, the last year with reliable data, generated a market of 8.758 million pesos nationwide and 3.065 billion pesos for Mexico, which participates alone with 35%

The merger ACIR-Radiópolis reconfigure the entire radio market in Mexico, Radiorama and Grupo Radio Centro being the first possible successes.

ACIR with Televisa Radio would give birth to the second player in the sector by the number of stations, 270 against 300 of Radiorama, while in the case of Mexico the two groups already added would add 11 frequencies, equivalent in number to those of Grupo Radio Centro in this square, the actor on which hover the ghosts of IFT investigations because of an undue concentration of frequencies and a significant market power, since 26.09% of the spectrum AM and 17.86% FM frequencies, plus the 57.3% of the capital audience in the hands of GRC, suspicion to the regulator of the sector.

Will remain to know what will also be the agreements signed by Televisa Radio with companies such as Radiorama, RASA Chain or Radio Digital Group. The Republic squares exploit the concepts of Radiópolis-Prisa in their stations, hence the configurations of strings, for example, as "The 40" which are in direct competition with the string [ad_2]
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