Gustavo Cárdenas is deceased, one of the promoters of Colombian television

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The stars who flooded the TV in the mid-1980s were, in part, thanks to Gustavo Cárdenas, one of the most Promoters of this half in the country and who died at the age of 80, leaving for history a broad heritage of art on the small screen.

With men Emblematic of Colombian television, such as Fernando González Pacheco and Carlos & El Gordo & Benjumea, Cárdenas founded television programmer Col Estrellas in 1981. In his early years, this programmer produced Los de al Lado with Jacqueline Henríquez and an interview program Pacheco Insólito directed by presenter of the same name.

But this same programmer would come later with other programs that have been stored in the minds of all Colombians, as [19659002] Buy the Orchestra (1983), Let's Get Away (1984), Let's Go Hunting Coupons (1987) and Other Programs That Have Been Known the transformation of programmers into national channels.

Gustavo Cárdenas is described as a man who lived life, but a great friend and worker. As has shown his time on Colombian television, a businessman who knew how to solve problems of money and entertainment in a second and who was also sociable and cheerful.

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According to his friends and the people who knew him, he was a man concerned about the content of programs, he prioritized the quality of these on income that they could generate, but that was not a problem for the success of his programmer. It has been one of the stepping stones of the renowned presenters and actresses like Judy Henríquez, Carmenza Gómez, Alvaro Ruiz, Kepa Amuchastegui, Celmira Luzardo, Gloria Gómez and Edgardo Román, among others.

Colestrellas was dissolved in 2003, after approximately six years transmitting programs imported on Channel A. Until Noticiero TV Hoy failed in mid-2001 and the programmer's company decided to sell the actions. After that, Cárdenas sat on the board of directors of Caracol Televisión

One of the promoters of the national television is deposed, a man who enthusiastically amused thousands of Colombians through a screen and which allowed the development from this environment.


The stars who flooded the TV in the mid – 1980s were, in part, thanks to Gustavo Cárdenas, one of the biggest promoters of this media in the country and who died at the time. age of 80, leaving for history

With the iconic men of Colombian television, such as Fernando González Pacheco and Carlos 'el Gordo' Benjúmea, Cárdenas founded the television programmer Col Estrellas in 1981. In his early years, this programmer produced Los de al Lado with Jacqueline Henríquez and an interview program Pacheco Insólito directed by the presenter of the same name.

But this same programmer would come later with others Buy the Orchestra (1983), Let the Pods (1984), Let's we on the hunt [19659] 005] (1987) and other programs that have known the information of programmers into national channels.

Gustavo Cárdenas is described as a man who lived his life, but a great friend and worker. As has shown his time on Colombian television, a businessman who knew how to solve problems of money and entertainment in a second and who was also sociable and cheerful.

According to his friends and the people who knew him, he was preoccupied with the content of the programs, prioritized the quality of these on the income that could generate, but it was not a problem for the successes that He had his programmer.

Col Stars was one of the stepping stones of celebrity presenters and actresses like Judy Henríquez, Carmenza Gómez, Álvaro Ruiz, Kepa Amuchastegui, Celmira Luzardo, Gloria Gómez and Edgardo Román, among others.

Colestrellas was disbanded in 2003, after almost six years of transmission of programs imported on Channel A. The TV News Today failed in mid-2001 and the programmer's company decided to sell the shares. After that, Cárdenas sat on the board of directors of Caracol Televisión

One of the promoters of the national television is deposed, a man who enthusiastically amused thousands of Colombians through a screen and which allowed the development of this means

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