Jennifer Lopez Celebrates 49 Years as Queen in Hollywood and Instagram | PICTURES Trade | TV | Hollywood


Hollywood is a jungle, but there are those who can devote themselves with dedication not for a short time, but for decades. The more than 30-year career of Jennifer Lopez confirms it. She, who is also one of the most followed artists in Instagram will turn 49 on Tuesday.

In 1997, Jennifer López interpreted what would be her great role at the moment: Selena Quintanilla, a Texan singer who had a great success in the Tex-Mex genre and who died tragically. This role earned him the nomination for the Golden Globe.

Jennifer López on Instagram

The success of Jennifer López as a singer is almost tied with her work as a film and television actress. In 2002 his career had a before and after with the release of the song "Jenny From The Block", where he claims to be a simple person despite the fame.

Currently, Jennifer Lopez is an artist residing in Las Vegas with her show "All I Have", which will continue until September of this year.

Jennifer López has not only been successful in film, music and television. She also enjoys great popularity in Instagram where she has more than 77 million followers.

Later this year, Jennifer Lopez returns to the movies with the comedy "Second Act", where she plays a saleswoman who seeks to reinvent herself in the very competitive Manhattan. Participates in Milo Ventimiglia, from the award-winning drama "This is Us".

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