Natural gas asks Colombia 1,626 million US dollars per case of Electricaribe | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Following the intervention of Electricaribe, Naturgy (formerly Gas Natural Fenosa) filed an international lawsuit against Colombia, alleging that there had been expropriation of its subsidiary for the marketing of the company. Energy on the Caribbean coast.

by Blu Radio, it is an action brought in arbitration courts on June 15, under which $ 1,626 million is claimed for this intervention.

This news comes after only 20 days, the Council of Economic and Social Policy (Conpes) will authorize the Nation to give Electricaribe the guarantee to take credit to the bank for 730 billion dollars.

This, in order to have an investment plan to execute in the next 12 months and thus improve the quality of service in the region, which has shortcomings in its operation.

The intervention of the marketer is already 20 months after the decision of the Go Government to avoid the limitation in energy supply for the departments of the Caribbean, following the defects and financial difficulties of the company.

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