Taxi drivers in London think collectively pursue Uber – Applications – Technology


The badociation of taxi drivers in the city confirmed that she was consulting lawyers.


According to local media reports, the claim could be the subject of a clbad action on the grounds that taxi drivers lost profits with the entry of the claim.


July 24, 2018, 3:04 pm.

The London Taxi Driver Association is considering the possibility of filing a clbad action suit against Uber. This was stated by the group on Tuesday, a few days after the mobile application received a temporary license renewal to operate in the UK capital.

The Licensed Taxicab Association (LTDA) has confirmed that it is discussing a possible application with its lawyers According to local media, the possible bill for a possible claim in favor of taxi drivers would cost at Uber about 1.25 billion pounds ($ 1.64 billion). Taxi drivers could argue that the more than 20,000 black taxi drivers in the city have lost their profits due to the application.

"We have been contacted by several members to help them determine if there would be any legal action for all taxi drivers against Uber," said LTDA General Secretary Steve McNamara. in a statement. The first steps in obtaining legal advice from the company leader Reya's Mishcon on the question of whether this is a legal possibility, "he added.

Uber won a license from 39, tried to operate in the city last month, after the regulator for London (TfL) refused to renew it last September because of the failure of its reporting of serious crimes and background checks of conductors


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