Jessica Cediel shares sensual dance and Christians criticize her | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Colombian presenter Jessica Cediel has the habit of dancing videos and sharing them in social networks, where each of her publications accumulates many reactions, compliments and comments. However, his latest post on Instagram has not been well received by some followers of the Christian community.

Cediel, who on June 11 shared with her fans that she was baptized in Miami by the leaders of the Vertical Church of Florida, received hundreds of negative comments for a video clip in which she appears with a low-cut blouse and a short, dancing reggaeton "Bella", played by Wolfine and Maluma.

"He whom you have baptized does not mean that you are saved, take care what you do, God can not make fun … I do not judge you less pointing … I warn you" [19659004] "hear and in the church that was baptized, do you accept these dances and do you show so much?" "you are not a Christian, respect these dances they are obscene" [19459008aresomeofthecommentsthattheirChristiandiscipleshavewritten

However, there were other fans who came to his defense, causing a confrontation between users for their beliefs.

"I do not see anything wrong with dancing if it makes her happy", "she is Christian in her style", "how many of those here who are critics would like to have the beauty that this woman has. leave the envy and maybe that will help them rejuvenate a bit ", commented on those who support the model.

It should be noted that since the business woman also announced her baptism, she was the target of criticism, so that he had to turn off comments in some of his publications and respond to negative comments in the stories.

After the wave of messages in his post, Cediel shared hours later an image in which he appears at sea with the following message:

"If everything in this life was so easy … n & # 39; anyone who would do anything! " But the reality is very far from that, that's why before judging, value the way that the other has traveled … Well, you do not know how many battles he had to fight to get to Where do each of us have a story … that you will not forget.

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