They arrest 15 people in China for scandal of poor quality vaccines


Chinese police arrested 15 people in a scandal over defective rabies vaccines, which outraged the public.

Although it is not yet known how many doses of counterfeit rabies vaccines were injected, it is clear that this is a number that exceeds the hundreds of thousands of people affected. Pixabay

This Tuesday, after it became known that the Changchun Changshun Pharmaceutical Laboratory allegedly falsified documents on the safety of his rabies vaccines, the P olicía China has arrested 15 people who will have to answer to justice by any criminal offenses committed in the company.

Police in Changchun City (northeast), where the company has its headquarters, announced late Tuesday that it had arrested 15 people, including the chairman of the laboratory . The authorities suspect that "criminal offenses" have been committed.

Although the country's authorities and the official media did not divulge names, it would be a woman under the name of Gao Junfang agreement with information from various news agencies.

Changchun Changsheng Pharmaceutical Laboratory was forced to stop production after the Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) announced the discovery of false data in an inspection . (To learn more about history, we invite you to read China shaken by a scandal of poor quality vaccines)

This new health scandal has caused indignation in China and fueled the mistrust of In the midst of the scandal, the authorities in Hebei Province (north) revealed on Monday that about 150,000 people had been vaccinated against diphtheria , pertussis and tetanus. of poor quality, produced by another company

This information only increased distrust of Chinese medicines and led the parents concerned to seek options for l & # 39; abroad.

President Xi Jinping – who is on tour in Africa – called the actions of the pharmaceutical industry "vile and naturally shocking" and, in addition, promised severe penalties to who is found guilty.

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