Public hospitals in Bogotá without financial risk | Bogotá


The four subregional centers for integrated district health services (North, South, Southwest and Middle East) were clbadified without financial risk by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

The Department has established that the four compartments meet market conditions of balance and financial viability to be clbadified without financial and financial risk for the term 2018.

the Ministry of Health, this qualification without financial risk obeys the new model of health of Bogotá which transformed the sector by regrouping the 22 hospitals into four Subredes, which made it possible to reorganize their finances.

that after the merger of the hospitals the subnetworks unified the needs, optimized the resources and health services offering to the user

It It should be remembered that the years 2012 and 2015 the District invested 537,892 million dollars in the public hospitals of Bogotá and, thus still, the categorization of the financial risk was maintained [19659005] With a medium risk : Victoria, Rafael Uribe, Chapinero, Suba, Usaquén, level Bosa II and Fontibón.

High-Level: Centro Oriente, San Blas, Simón Bolívar, Engativá Meissen, Usme and Del Sur.

For the years 2016 and 2017, s e resources of the order of 381 223 million dollars

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