Study: foods rich in omega 3 lengthen life



Based on 16 years of research on more than 240,000 men and 180,000 women, regular consumption of fish reduces the risk of death from cancer and acute respiratory illness. [19659003L'étudeaétémenéepardesscientifiqueschinoisetaméricainsetpubliéerécemmentdansleJournalofInternalMedicineLàleschercheurbadpliquentquelecontextedel'enquêteavaitàvoiraveclesdirectivesalimentairesdominantesrecommandentlaconsommationrégulièredepoissoncependantlesbadociationsdecetalimentetdesacidesgraspolyinsaturésàlonguechaîneoméga-3(PUFALCn-3)[19659003] The results of the & # 39; study showed that men who eat fish regularly reduced by 9% the possibility of premature death and 10% death by cardiovascular disease and 37% In contrast, women reduced the death rate by 8% and the possibility of death by Alzheimer's disease by 38%.


The researchers pointed out that the consumption of fish and omega-3 was strongly badociated with a decrease in mortality due to the main causes, but they warned that by frying the fish, he loses

"Our results support current guidelines for fish consumption, while advice is needed on non-gnawing methods," they said.

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