More than 2 million people will have to declare their rent in August


The Director of DIAN, Santiago Rojas, recalled that between August 9 and October 19, 2.6 million Colombians must submit their tax return.

Rojas pointed out that with cut on July 23, more than 26 thousand people and companies submitted their tax return and for this concept they managed to raise more than 14 billion pesos.

The grievor recalled ] the new scheduling system used to clbadify income according to the origin and added that in general, only the worker's income card is applied to workers, although he specifies that if he earns an income other than income from work, must use other schedules depending on the type of income obtained.

The five schedular groups are: work, pension, capital, non-work, dividends and stock certificates. income tax po For the 2017 taxation year, use the new schedular income system, which ranks income by origin, to apply a rate and give special treatment to each profile. "Explains the entity.


Persons who meet one of these requirements must declare their rent this year:

1. Is responsible for VAT or excise tax.
2. He had gross income equal to or greater than $ 44,603,000 in 2017.
3. His gross equity as at December 31, 2017 was greater than $ 143,366,000.
4. Consumed with a credit card greater than $ 44,603,000 in 2017.
5. Purchased and / or consumed with any means of payment for more than $ 44,603,000 in 2017.
6. Its bank deposits, deposits or financial investments accumulated in 2017 exceeded $ 44,603,000.

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