Half Lovato, stable after an alleged overdose


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The alarms went off when, from TMZ, they launched the following title:" Demi Lovato, hospitalized from Urgency for an alleged overdose. "Apparently, according to the famous web portal, the singer would have relapsed into drug addiction and, after being found unconscious by police and Californian firefighters at her home, she would have been quickly transferred Cedar Hospital, Sinai

According to sources close to Demi in TMZ, the reason for his emergency hospitalization would have originated in a supposed heroin overdose, which is not the case. has not been officially confirmed.After some news of his health somewhat contradictory, the last hour of the singer is to be stable and not to fear anything for his life.

"Half is awake and with his family" , said the representative singer, Nicole Perna, through a statement. "She and her family are grateful to everyone for the love, their prayers and the support transferred.Some of the published information is incorrect and, therefore, respect and confidentiality are required." Do not speculate because your health and are the most important things at the moment. "

A past full of addictions

A former Disney kid, Demi Lovato has been struggling for years. seems that he would have relapsed after a past when drugs and alcohol were very present.This, coupled with other problems such as bulimia or bipolar disorder, made the singer a fighter

"I could not be sober," recalls Demi in statements on American television a few months ago. "I was drugged or I was thinking about drugs."

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