The person in charge of the provincial HIV program pointed out against Dr. Albino "there is no foundation what he said"


"The entire scientific community is confused with these claims because they have no basis, it has been shown that correctly used condoms are 99% effective in preventing STDs." no basis for what this person said we want to strengthen for the whole population that the condom is still the most effective method for preventing these diseases, "Benetucci stressed.

As explained by the specialist, "cases of breakage that are reported and that can be reported to the company that produces them, are generally related to that of an inappropriate lubricant. it is necessary to use it from the beginning of the badual intercourse, and also with oral and bad bad, because they have risks. "

" I do not know Dr. Abel Albino personally, I know that he is a person who has done a lot of work on nutrition and I have heard some interesting thoughts about malnutrition, I do not know why he made these statements, " he said.

For Benetucci " all professionals must put aside, in matters of health, our prejudices, personal problems, religious and give the people the correct information. So that a person can choose and take care of herself, we must give her the correct information and give her advice so that she can correctly choose her beliefs and ideas, without risking her health. "

" E it's good to talk about it, to be back on the table, it's a pity that this is an unfortunate commentary .It is very well the reaction of communicators to consult and eliminate the doubts that may have generated that, "he said.

In the province in general, "new cases of HIV infection have increased in recent years, but not cases of mother-to-child transmission, thanks to the control of pregnant women. The increase in cases is due to several factors, one may be that people do not use condoms correctly many make a stable partner but do not do anything. Previous scans when they stop using condoms and do not know that they live together with the virus. "

" The third part of the infected persons has no diagnosis. We must be responsible in our badual relations and the general recommendation is the use of condoms, especially among adolescents. "

The doctor explained that" the population has increased, there are cases of people coming from other jurisdictions. "On the other hand, it is true that access to the test s & # 39; 39, is improved, with more requests, so we improve the sensitivity in the access to the test, which can be a reason for an increase in cases ".

"We all need to talk about the issue of badually transmitted infections with our children, our friends, in schools, in all areas, because prevention goes beyond technique, but is related to perception of risk ", completed.

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